Why do bricklayers earn so little?

Why do bricklayers earn so little in Germany? Many of them seem to earn less than €2,000 net, which is definitely too little for this backbreaking work.

But there must be a reason, right? Maybe because there are so many bricklayers? They're easy to replace?

Because it's easy to learn, or why?

Because in Switzerland, bricklayers seem to earn more, relatively speaking. Not much more, but more.

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6 months ago

There is a lot of competition from abroad, which presses din prices. Brickslayer in Australia, for example, deserve quite well. There is no open labour market.

Regulatorics and the limited purchasing power of the customers are added. The master mason can only demand a price for his masonry, which the customer can still pay. If there is not enough margin over, the salaries for further staff cannot rise. Now one might think that the prices for masonry will increase if they are already at the limit of the financial resources of builders, there can be a huge lack and at the same time a low price level. If the state then regularly increases the bureaucratic duties, so that more and more staff are needed unproductively in the back office, then it must also be paid from somewhere.

6 months ago

Many construction companies in DE/AT/CH, also employ construction workers from abroad (Eastern Europe etc.) black and do not even pay the minimum wage. 🙁 The construction workers are still happy because they would earn less in their home countries.

6 months ago

Maurers and painters don’t deserve so well. Heating sanitary and electric is significantly more expensive. More special knowledge is required. Walls are more required for pure bone work.

6 months ago

Who pays minimum wages. For this, the companies no longer get employees.

6 months ago

It’s like that in Germany. For head work there is more than for muscle work.