Warum verdienen Java Anwendungsentwickler so viel?

Ich habe mir Stellenangebote auf Stepstone angeschaut und habe etwas merkwürdiges bemerkt und zwar, Java Anwendungsentwickler werden ziemlich gut bezahlt und die Unternehmen verlangen in ihrer Stellenausschreibung oftmals kein Studiumabschluss oder Ausbildung, sie verlagen nur das man Java beherrscht und/oder Berufserfahrung mit Java gesammelt hat.

Bei Unternehmen die sich auf andere Programmiersprachen spezialisieren habe ich gemerkt das sie oftmals ein Studiumabschluss und/oder eine Ausbildung verlangen, und zusätzlich bezahlen sie weniger als ein Unternehmen mit Schwerpunkt im Java.

War es vielleicht Zufall das ich Java Anwendungsentwickler Stelle gefunden habe die so sind?

Danke im voraus für eure Antworten!!

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1 year ago

There are several reasons why Java developers are generally well paid:

1. High demand: Java is one of the most commonly used programming languages worldwide and is used in many industries, including banks, insurance, telecommunications, government and trade. Due to this high demand for Java developers, these often have better pay prospects.

Two. Complexity: Java is a complex programming language that requires some expertise to master it. It often requires continuous training and experience to be successful in this area. The ability to develop complex applications is often rewarded with a higher salary.

3. Responsibility: Java developers are often responsible for developing important applications that are critical to the business. A malfunction or an error can have serious consequences. As a result, they often bear a great responsibility, often associated with higher salaries.

With regard to the requirements for a job as a Java developer, it can be different from companies to companies. Some companies may require a university degree or training, while others focus on practical experience and competence. As a rule, professional experience in practice plays a major role in salary finding, regardless of whether or not formal training is available.

1 year ago
Reply to  Tobsen48

The “hilfreich” applies to ChatGPT 🙂

1 year ago

This is very likely in terms of expression and false information.

1 year ago

It sounds very like it.

1 year ago

Sounds like a coincidence for me and I think that depends more on the industries, regions and company sizes and, of course, on whether it is a junior job or a senior job.

Sure with a senior who’s been in the industry for over a hundred years, the degree is no longer aching. A junior who’s just getting in, he’s got nix to show than this one.

1 year ago

In general, I would not confirm the premise, but one must also understand the role of Java in industry.

There is a huge amount of Java software, and much of it is durable: this often builds big, business-critical backends and features, not any colorful sites that are re-placed in 5 years. So these are often the crown jewels of a company that works horse software goes without nothing.

And then there is a great mass of people who call themselves Java developers, but the majority of them is rather weak and cannot demand great salaries. The demand for the rarer, really good Java developers is enormous, and there is no one interested in whether they have studied.

1 year ago

Supply and demand determine the price.

Obviously, the demand is significantly greater than the supply, so companies need to offer a lucrative salary and are obviously also willing to throw overboard their usual standards of a university degree if it helps them to occupy the place sufficiently qualified.

I can tell you that in the month I have 2-3 emails from various headhunters in the mailbox and I am not even working as an application developer. I can’t tell you exactly how this looks at qualified Java developers with professional experience, but as they already apply massively to universities, I would suspect that this is much more extreme.