Warum tut es noch weh, weil Opa vor 2,5 gestorben ist?

Bei meinem Opa wurde 2011 Prostatakrebs im fortgeschrittenem Stadium festgestellt. Stadium T 3b pn1, M 0, V 1, L 1, R 1 und sie haben alles nicht erwischt und hatte Lymphknotenmetastasen, Samenblasenbefall. Er bekam 40 Strahleneinheiten und eine Hormontherapie Spritze Depot. Von 2011 bis 2014 war PSA immer 0,07 und ab 2015, 2016 schwankend 0,11, 0,10, 0,24, 0,07. 2017 steigte der PSA auf 1,83, 3,84, 8,54 und 2018 dann auf 14,48 und 24,45 und dann auf 98,86. Er musste zum MRT/CT und es gab mehrere vereinzelte Herde. Neben der AHT Antihormonterapie bekam er Zytika 250 mg und musste vier Tabletten täglich nehmen. Die Werte gingen runter bis auf 9,01. Ab 2021 hätte Opa Erleada bekommen, aber die hatte er nicht vertragen. Er konnte lang keine Stuhlgang machen und im KH wurde Enddarmkrebs festgestellt mit Bauchfellmetastasen und kann es sein das der Prostatakrebs auch in den Darm gestreut hatte?

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1 year ago

Cancer can sprinkle; once over the bloodstream, for example, to the liver, the brain or the bone, as well as via the lymph pathways. The lymph system is reached earlier than the bloodstream of the cancer cells, so that the metastases can form in the lymph nodes of the basin or outside.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ricky90321

If metastases have already formed, it is generally difficult; the cancer spreads; if the cancer remains locally it can be treated better or locally. This is the vicious of cancer. President Mitterand lived with the disease for almost 15 years.

1 year ago

If the cancer is discovered in time, there may be no metastases. These can, of course, already be present when the cancer had evolved a long time ago. Because the cancer can scatter and spread in the body, it is difficult to prevent it. Certainly, cancer therapy is better than 20 years ago, e.g., and will continue to improve. There are already laser therapy; it is commonly used for skin cancer.

1 year ago

The R1 diagnosis certainly calculated that later metastases are formed. If it is possible to remove the original tumor completely, no metastases are created.

1 year ago

I didn’t mean any metastases yet; sorry.

1 year ago

As I understand it, there is no longer a residual tumour; of course, it could be later. As M0 stands above, there were probably still metastases in 2011, so they would have been born out of the residual tumor over time.

1 year ago

In practice, a residual tumor is no longer recognizable in R0; in R1, a remainder is then visible in the tissue sample. Resttumor . https://www.krebsinformationsdienst.de/studie/krebs-befunden-verstand.php

1 year ago

You loved your grandpa. And that’s why it hurts. This is completely normal