Warum tut er das…?
Er hat mit dir Kinder, es gibt keine harmonische Ehe, jeder hat eine total verschiedene Vergangenheit zb Religion, Bildung, Gesellschaftsnormen etc. Ihr wohnt getrennt, habt wegen der Kinder Kontakt. Er kommt oft, tlw täglich zu euch, meistens ohne vorherige Ankündigung. Benimmt sich unverschämt Respekt und anstandslos, vorbildlos zu unserer beschämung, schreit Rum wenn er zur Ordnung gerufen wird. Benimmt sich tolpelhaft, verschmutzt und merkt es anscheinend nicht, beleidigt laut wegen zb Krümel oder ungespulten Teller oder einfach nicht eingeräumten Geschirr etc. Wirft in unvorhersehbarer ausartender Wut deine gefaltete Bettwäsche aus dem Schrank, bedient sich an deinem Kühlschrank und an deiner Zigarettenschachtel. Packt sich ein Vesper etc. Zerreißt Hosen von deinem Kind und legt dir noch zusätzlich kaputte Kleidung welche du bereits seit ein paar Wochen vermisst hast von dir selbst in deinen Kleiderschrank. Deine Strumpfhosen verschwinden auch regelmäßig. Obwohl du oft neue kaufst bleibt dir tlw nur eine total zerrissene übrig was komisch ist, da du die kaputten immer entsorgt hast sobald ein Loch drin war und so extrem kaputt war noch nie eine von dir gemacht worden. Das unvm ist während der letzten Jahre sehr oft vorgefallen. Wenn du ihn drauf ansprichst blockiert er, streitet alles ab. Du hast bereits verschiedene Arten benutzt um ihm die Augen für sein destruktives, hinterfotziges, schadhaftes Verhalten zu öffnen. Er will es offenbar nicht verstehen. Er denkt die Kinder und du hatten mehr. Trugschluss. Warum verhält er sich so. Er ist auch sehr wechselhaft jedoch meine ich, dass er voller Hass und Selbsthass ist und dich so gegff davon meint befreien zu können oder dass ihn seine halbgierigen Schwestern versuchen zu führen und er sich so unser und sein Leben zerstört etc oder dass er depri ist bzw Substanzen intus hat die in sein Neurotransmitter Haushalt eingreifen, ihn besser gelaunt machen etc zb koks, crack oder Amphetamine halt die dann vermehrt endorphine und Adrenalin frei lassen und man sich sodsnn leistungsfähiger und glücklicher fühlt und dann aber beim abklingen der Wirkung gereizt depri und Aggro ist. Er streitet alles ab. Was meinst du warum er so ist?
Cancel contact. Listen to the latest episode #181 homicide of the podcast and then renn.
It’s just the one you give it.
At the end, everything still decides a family dish, what we think is irrelevant.
The game seems to be taking her off for a long time without you really going through your thing and that’s why the man doesn’t get too close to you and the kids, for example calling police, sending a message or finally pulling the gentlemen in front of the family court.
There was, of course, that zb the police were contacted by us therefore
Oh, jasmine, you’ve got the kids away somewhere else you’re laughing, you want your kids back and under the account here you’re always making a mood against the KV, finally look for a therapist love girl.
The Court of First Instance
He doesn’t live there. You have house law. Throw the bat out of the apartment when he takes himself next to it. With the help of the police if he doesn’t volunteer. The game you play 5-10 times and then it will either stay away or behave.
This, in turn, is the answer to why he does this: because he can.
Why does he do something like this, what does he or what drives him to do or what such circumvents are not familiar to me, and I cannot understand it in this way and wise at all what brings you to it. M. E. does it not only harm someone else, but even oneself and this also not insignificantly any other way, I observe and it is in my opinion cheerful attempt to minimize one’s own negative emotions, what could the person do at such moments then to make oneself easier?
It is much easier to give emotions and moods directly to the environment than to learn mastery and to communicate all this civilized. The pantyhose against it is probably an expression of power over you.
Why? What’s he doing? What negative consequences does it have for him? He can keep everything. You’re effectively taking care of him. Show him no limit. Maybe tell him that you find that stupid, but that can be ignored.
The man is not your child. It’s not your job, nor do you have the opportunity to treat or educate him. You won’t be able to do it either, because he doesn’t want to do it. If he wanted to, he would have been looking for help himself. He didn’t. So he won’t.
He’ll do the earliest if his behavior actually hurts him himself, so throw the spinner out. That hurts him.
Your job is not to be his mum and explain the world to him. Your job is to be the mother of your children and protect them from the behavior of this man.
This cannot be answered in such a way. It could be a mental illness, or simply its personality.
I wouldn’t let him in again. Yes he is the father of the children, but he can also practice the handling without having to enter the apartment.
But the question is more why is this still going? It’s been a long time to look at your questions.
Why don’t you protect your children?
Who said I didn’t protect my children
I’m doing this because you’ve been allowed to do this forever. If you’d protect her, you’d have stopped it.
You want facts?
– Your ex or stillman… that changes regularly, according to your narratives, is aggressive and behaves associal.
– You’re regularly mocking your children.
And the last fact… that obviously has been going on for years.
More facts do not need to find out that you do not protect your children. On the contrary. You’re still putting them on the whole.
Yes, since the mother is only looking for excuses and watching her children have to bear all this.
She’s still promoting it. Otherwise you can’t call it if it opens the door to him joyfully.
It is only possible to be happy that the youth office and family help are already integrated in the household.
Is it better for my children to do what you say? Did you get that with the black and white thinking not. Anyone who cannot see gray is either inferior or mentally ill. There’s not only bad and not just good. In order to be able to judge something superficially, this is usually sufficient. This is about getting different assessments in order to be able to identify even more facts. Thanks for your help.
Apparently not. Otherwise, the things you write would not happen.
I’ll protect my kids.
So at some point you must have found something about him or you wouldn’t have witnessed any children with him (why…) as it sounds, he’s a danger to your children and you should protect them gratuitously! Don’t let that happen, why do you let him in the apartment? Self-selected misery….
When you look at the questions, it’s been like that forever.
Not only under the account 🤷 ♀️
You’re taking a picture. Leave me alone. I’m not the one or what you’re supposed to mean. Accept it and let me and my contributions.
Which one else. I’m just interested in who you seem to confuse me. You rumors.
Question is, why are you taking the Scheizz? You should be more yours, because his behavior is rethinking. The guy won’t get me into the house anymore. Better an end with terror as a terror without an end.