Warum tut das so weh?

Ich habe seit 1-2 Tagen extreme Schmerzen untenrum.Egal ob beim Wasser lassen,oder ob ich einfach still liege. Ich habe jetzt so eine Creme überall drauf gemacht weil alles weh tut.Die klitoris der Eingang die schamlippen alles und habe so einen bröckeligen Ausfluss und hab echt keine Ahnung mehr was das sein soll. Frauenarzt wären keine Lösung da ich keine 18 bin und meiner Mutter Bescheid sagen müsste

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1 year ago

Yes, women’s doctor is the solution. Or urologist. The pain when peeing down while lying can indicate bladder inflammation and should be treated as quickly as possible before it draws on the kidneys. You don’t get on with cream.

The outflow can indicate a fungal infection. You shouldn’t just mess with some cream.

You can go to the doctor with your insurance card without your mother.

Apart from the fact that she probably had it before.

1 year ago

Could be a vaginal. That’s what you’re supposed to be a women’s doctor, that has to be treated with antibiotics. Believe me, without treatment, the pain will be even worse! And don’t worry about the parents. That’s not exactly what you get through sexual contacts. This is a bacterial inflammation (similar to bladder inflammation). So you can also get a virgin. Talk to your mother, probably she had something like that before.

1 year ago

The female doctor is definitely the best solution here. Why is it such a problem to talk to your mother about it?
By the way, if you are insured by law and have your insurer’s checkout and over 16 are going to the doctor alone.

1 year ago

You can also become a gynecologist under 18 and you should do that immediately.

1 year ago

You should definitely go to the doctor. That you are not 19 has no influence on a visit to the female doctor….who says so.

Female doctor wouldn’t be a solution because I’m not 18 and would have to tell my mother

Nonsense, you make an appointment. And that’s it!

What do you want to hear here? What do you want to do? What you got? What medicines should you take?

No chance, a doctor is responsible for the symptoms.

1 year ago

What does the doctor say?

1 year ago

Your period?