Warum trinkt man volvic Wasser so gut und schmeckt besser als andere viele Wasser Sorten?
Ich trinke 1,5 Liter was so gut mit volvic das fühlt sich komplett anders an zu trinken als andere Wasser und man trinkt auch viel mehr und schmeckt besser irgendwie.
Volvic has long been overhauled
Doesn’t taste so great
I don’t know, I drank this for the first time, usually drink only from the line
Water can taste different. This is due to the minerals contained and in what quantity they contain. Your body may require one of the minerals you have in particular.
According to the manufacturer’s side of Volvic, relatively few minerals are present in this water. The hydrogen carbonate has the largest proportion.
I don’t like the water at all. I prefer other mineral waters (and, for environmental reasons, also consider that the transport route was not very long).
This is your subjective feeling. For example, I don’t think Volvic is delicious at all. I like the water from the Aldi (Quellbrunn) and the water from Rewe (Yes).
I love Volvic and like the YES! Water zero. Krass like different tastes are
I like Gerolsteiner or Saskia.
Yeah, amazing.
Although it actually tastes disgusting. You’re just thinking that it’s delicious, because the advertising will lead you to it.
Fill three absolutely equal bottles with Volvic, tap water and any other still water. Then put on the bottles, which you have filled in, glue a opaque adhesive strip and then let the bottles twist from someone so that you no longer know which one is.
Then you drink alternately, evaluate them and guess what Volvic is. Then take off the tape and look. I did two times because I thought the first time I made a mistake. Didn’t want to believe that Volvic is the scoring water with chlorine taste.
Don’t mention advertising, didn’t drink it at the time, got it. For me water was always water, of course one tastes occasionally different. I also like to drink water pipe, filter that even though you don’t need it, but with the bottles of water you notice a big difference
Volvic is simply overpriced water with chlorine taste. It’s funny, but only in the blind test. Try and get staunch.
And of course, you’re biased by advertising. You’ve already seen them several times and that’s burning in your brain. Even if you don’t think about it.
The reason for the fine differences is the composition of the minerals. They shape the taste of the water. “There are four basic directions: sodium tastes salty, magnesium bitter-sweet, calcium tastes savory, limey, circulatory. Hydrocarbonate gives the water fullness and body. Vlt is the one I have to try out more varieties, at home I always drink from line, I have to try out more varieties, there is a difference in each case
No, I didn’t. I don’t know the brand. I’ve been drinking this for 3 days, I only know it’s very expensive, 6€ or so, from time to time 3€, got 6 bottles and garkein water somehow tastes like chlorine. Maybe only swimming pool or in other countries. But no joke it feels completely different to drink it.
It’s just your feeling, it tastes like standing water or sleeping feet.
You know, Man is a habit animal. And if you are used to such water, then natural water no longer tastes.
Why? I don’t know.
It costs 1000 x more than water from the line, has much less minerals, so is not so valuable for the body and boring in taste. It comes in plastic bottles, filling and transport consume a lot of energy.
So I can’t understand why someone drinks.
Doesn’t work any way, and I’ll just get it when I’m on my way for a long time.
I like Volvic water. It is probably due to how it is filtered and how the mineral composition is. Volvic water is filtered through volcanic rock.
I think it tastes good. stood and fleepp. and after plastic.
I always fill my drinking bottle on the water fountain – it is ice cold and fresh and sooo delicious. Otherhne plastic taste.
I think Volvic’s good. However, our tap water even tastes a my better. For vacations I buy as initial equipment but also always nen Sixpack Volvic.
Hi, XmmX12.
That’s just a matter of taste.
Therefore, other varieties do not have to taste worse.
You taste it, and that’s important.
Greetings, Renate.
A matter of taste