Warum trinken meine Katzen kein Wasser?
Hallo,meine eine Katze ist jetzt seit gestern morgen weg und da es warm wird frag ich mich wie lange würden sie es schaffen? Meine Katzen trinken nie Wasser sie essen nur Nassfutter auch im Sommer glaubt ihr sie würde es paar Wochen schaffen wenn sie jetzt noch nicht tot ist?
an adult cat weighs between 4-5 kilos.
On the day it needs 50-70ml per kilo body weight on liquid/day and 60kcal energy density feed per kilo body mass/day.
High quality wet food contains 78%-80% moisture.
With this information, you can calculate how much your cats take over their wet food to liquid and what you need to feed.
To provide a probate agent for sufficient additional liquid, a spoon of water is still to be mixed under the wet feed. Works in most cats. If you do this 4xday, they have 40ml more liquid alone.
Your cats are good.
Best regards 🙋 ♀️ +😺 +😺
Catches mice and drinks from ponds. Find feeding neighbors. I wouldn’t worry about a day. But you can ask if she accidentally locked someone up: shed, garden house, garage.
I know something stupid but I’m just going to their gardens tonight and just look stupid in the sheds of when he’s not finished
This is house peace break and punishable. Soo doesn’t.
Love, the cat is uncasted, rolling and disappeared with another cat who very likely covers it just (see other FS and all the comments and answers under demand).
https://www.tasso.net/Service/Wissensportal/Katze/Katze running
Naja hausfriedens Bruch is it even if I get the football that’s thrown out there in the garden again so out but I just make 20 flyers and share that out then everyone knows that in my environment
I know the problem too well. some cats don’t like standing water. Get a cat fountain (room fountain). Some look stylish and you can also use it as a humidifier. It’s also good if you’re allergic. There are no pollen and dust in the apartment when windows are open.
Simply mix some water into the wet food and touch it a little. Works with mine too, it doesn’t drink.
My cat was gone five weeks. After that, he was back as if nix had happened. He hasn’t wanted to leave since.
So I do it with mine even if she comes I don’t let her out so long she doesn’t want it anymore
Please cast your cat in the next 2 weeks so that also possible fertilized egg cells will be removed.
Cats do not have to go to the open when the apartment is cat-friendly and you take care of them.
No, mine can get out – if they want.
Wet food contains enough liquid. Cats practically remove all liquid from food and can get well without drinking even for days.
At that time, they only got dry food and never have problems to go down and for months
Of course, they drank with trofu… With wet food it is not so urgently necessary
Then they certainly came somewhere in water.
I supplement the wet food with additional water. Plus water bowls of course.
I mic dry food with wet food, which I crush with a fork before. I put some water in the can with wet food, then I float up sulphite, which I also mix under the dry food during the next meal. Nap with water anyway is also accepted.
it doesn’t taste them!
But everyone doesn’t need to drink
No, I wrote that cats have to absorb the liquid almost exclusively through the food and do not have to drink it at all in wet food.
Cats can also get salt water, try this.
Where did you get that information? Can you please share a source? Thank you.