Warum treiben meine Tulpenzwiebeln nur Blätter und keine Blüten?
Letztes Jahr habe ich verschiedene Tulpenzwiebeln gepflanzt. Bis auf ein paar Blüten waren es aber nur Blätter. Habe die Zwiebeln in der Erde gelassen. Dieses Jahr treiben sie nur Blätter aber keine einzige Blüte.
Was mache ich falsch?
This occurs with onion plants, especially with tulips. If they do not grow optimally, too dry, too wet, too little nutrients, shade, then they do not flower. Or not every year. Or they form many small brooding onions, and they need several years to flower.
The bigger the onion, the safer they flower. That’s why flower bulbs are sorted by size. only the big ones are sold. The smaller ones are planted again by the flower growers next year, so that they become bigger. Smaller onions can be bought cheaply as a special offer. But they don’t all blossom, or only next year or next year. If the soil, or the weather is not optimal, the onions can also become smaller.
Weier below you write the following thoughts from Andalusia deshal:
Patience. The flowers are still coming. The leaves are there with me, even in the former wild forms.
I live in Andalusia, it is not as cold as in DE and we also have no frost. The leaves have been around. 4 weeks there, but no signs that a flower comes.
My scars too. They’re like the hyacinths.
Thanks for the links, I’ll read them carefully. By the way, my filled scars blossom.
That’s what it takes
With us in Andalusia the climate is quite different as in DE. The almond blossom is over. My mango, orange and lemon trees are already in full flower. The roses, the filled hibiscus and my scars have been blossoming for a while. The leaves of my tulips have been around. 4 weeks there, but I don’t see any flowers coming.
Tulips are the last of the onion plants.