Warum tragt ihr kein Helm beim Fahrradfahren?
Viele Leute tragen beim Fahrradfahren keinen Helm. Ich häufig auch nicht. Das kann viele Gründe haben. Mich interessiert, warum so viele Menschen keinen Helm beim Fahhradfahren tragen, obwohl das doch eigentlich viel sicherer ist.
That’s deppered, I know. When an accident happens, you look very different.
So far I only wore the helmet on long tours, but not always. Although I am aware that something can happen on short distances.
I’ve been lucky so far. But next year, I should be more sensible.
Here’s the answer with the star, right?
that is it:)
I didn’t wear my whole life and I just don’t feel comfortable. So concentrated.
Then you haven’t found the pasenden yet
If I’m sporty underway I always wear a helmet.
In everyday life, I’m too lazy to wear one.
Can’t drive bike
A really great question!
Yes, logically, you should wear a helmet.
For me, cycling is always a very special experience. This would be strongly beaten by a possibly pressing helmet. Apart from that, you can also not look back so well with helmet and this makes the helmet also counterproductive.
But the main reason is that I stage cycling without a helmet for not so dangerous. I’m not driving a race with it, but only cozy to work, in the city from A to B and use as well as bicycle paths.
And if a deadly accident happens, then usually because a car driver cuts the cyclist while bending or gets under a bus or truck. In such cases, the helmet is no longer used.
But I’d like to be taught by the Helmets of a better one.
The coincidence wants me to hear the following on the radio this morning:
And a cyclist got a 50% partial debt in an accident (car driver was guilty) because he wasn’t wearing a helmet.
The dumbest argument, but it is.
Better be a broken hairstyle than a broken skull.
As long as I drive motorbikes and classic cars, I’m lucky to have no idea about helmets at the cyclist.
Of course, I still lower the risk of the cyclist – always light, down from the highway, never drive against the direction, and if I still master my bike, I have done a lot.
This view has long been taken. Meanwhile, however, I switched on my brain and only drive with helmet.
Cycling is not really mine or I got the car under my feet. A faster way to cross routes.
I always wear a helmet because I had a few heavy falls due to my hobby, MTB/ Downhill and therefore always wear one in road traffic.
I cannot confirm the helmets of uncomfortable sitting or shit.
Thanks for the star 🙂
What star?
I have received the answer from her above as the best answer. You get a star 😊
Oh, yes, of course.
No, all right 🙂
I believe that at that time I had a problem of being able to handle my answer and therefore gave a new answer with my thank you.
Sorry for confusion
Yes, go up to my question. The first answer is then the excellent answer with the star 😄
Look at the top, right under the question
I know, but there’s no star…
Some people think that bicycle helmets do not fit them in hot weather, so they think they wear helmets only during the cold weather.
I’m not driving a bike!
I don’t drive a bike because I find it pointless
No Bock haha
I’d rather walk.