Warum tragen manche Leute solche billigen Klamotten?
Nike, Puma, Tommy Hilfiger etc.
Nike, Puma, Tommy Hilfiger etc.
Hilft eine 60 grad Wäsche oder vielleicht auch 90 grad ? Was kann ich dagegen tun
Hey Leute ich hab eine Hose von Kik die hat ein ganz normales Stoff wie bei einer Leggins aber immer wenn ich die Hose anziehe stink ich sehr schnell aber das ist nicht mein üblicher Geruch untenrum sonder eher so ein Säurig Geruch ich habe 2 von denn Hosen und bei allen beiden ist das…
Ich habe immer Angst frühs aufzustehen wenn ich gerade meine Tage hab weil ich Angst hab das es zu viel und daneben läuft hat jemand Tipps wie man das verhindern kann
ich übernachte morgen bei meiner cousine aber wir wollen nicht den ganzen tag serien schauen raus können wir nicht weil sie mitten in der stadt wohnt und dort gibt es nicht viel grün
Bitte schreibt eurer Alter und was ihr sonst noch so trage und wie sie euch gefällt.
They keep sufficiently warm and cover the bumps when encountering other people.
They’re not cheap clothes. Cheap are the clothes of Kik and even then it doesn’t matter as long as the clothes are clean and hot.
Be poor
These aren’t cheap clothes very expensive brand clothes. Cheap clothes are kik or teddy for me.
For me such things are cheap clothes
Why do some people place so much value on certain brand names and despise others? One carries what fits, works and looks good in one’s own opinion – and of course what one is ready to pay.
Because most people – unlike you – have sufficient self-consciousness and it is completely EGAL what has cost others’ own or the clothes. Defining yourself about price tags on clothes is very pathetic.
What’s cheap about it? There are much cheaper clothes. Everyone can wear what he likes.
because others tell them that it is hip and modern and that you are well dressed when you wear it.
I have some parts in my wardrobe, for example, from Adidas. But I don’t dare to show them all over the world: “Look, I’m wearing Adidas” or because anyone told me that it’s true.
No! I’m wearing the things because I like them!
By the way, essentially bathing suits or Bikinis, glossy shorts and rain jackets.
I think I know why you’re asking! Because everyone knows you don’t wear these supposedly “cheap” clothes and so everyone knows you’re just wearing Gucci or ect….can it be that you want to put the Nike, Adidas, puma and more helpful wearer down like that?….I believe Adidas, nike and more helpful are much cooler than the gucci and luis vuitton shred!
those who want to wear such scrape marks are only considered and considered as “kings”. … I don’t say that because I can’t afford it I can tell it because it’s the truth!!!
What are you wearing?
yes all these brands you feel as “cheap”
are not as powerful as you. You should donate something to the poor people.
It’s nice that you call this cheap, but not even the half of the population is so prosperous to call the “cheap”. Besides, they are completely enough to live.
Because price/quality is right
I don’t even wear them. And I’m still dressed and with a minimum of taste not even bad!
You like to sink any amount of money into any Schickimicki bells! The economy needs people like you who consume without thinking.
You mean cheap clothes, not cheap ones. And the reason why people wear cheap clothes is because they are better in almost every way than expensive clothes.
Who judges people according to their clothes is very sorry..
Since when are the cheap brands? What do you think about kik? What else should you wear? But the most important question: what is your fucking problem?
His problem is an extremely low self-consciousness.
Since when are brand clothing cheap clothes?
Do you want to profile yourself here as a particularly wealthy one, or what is the meaning of your question?
The meaning of my question is to find out why some people wear such cheap clothes.
Yes and what exactly do you not understand that brand clothing is not “cheap clothes”?
So, on your part, it can only be an attempt to profile here.
But what makes little sense, as you make yourself more ridiculous than impress others.
You’re right
Because they like.
You want me to tell you something? In my wardrobe, things are from Louis Vouitton to Sheein. Gucci to AI.
And you know what? I’m wearing everything.