Why does ice sublimate below 0 degrees?
Why does ice turn into air even below 0 degrees?
Ice is a solid body.
Why don't other solid bodies sublimate?
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The air pressure of the atmosphere is measured in hectopascals and is given today at Wetter.com with a value of 1008 hpa.
Depends on the pressure and temperature. There is an area sublimated in the ice.
Other solids can also do this and can be seen in the phase diagram.
Btw from ice becomes steam and not air.
What solids are still going to air?
“The air is the gas mixture of the earth’s atmosphere.”
Doesn’t water vapor count to the earth’s atmosphere?
Air is a gas mixture steam is only a part of air. A car tire is not a Ferrari either.
Almost all solids sublime at certain temperature and pressure ranges.
Water sublimes for example at pressures below 6mBar above it becomes liquid and only then evaporates.
In principle, all solid bodies sublime. In bulbs, for example, one could admire the sublimation of tungsten. And dry ice also sublimes.
The ice does not sublime. The “steam” is condensing humidity.
Ice can also sublime. If you look at the phase diagram, liquid water is no longer possible at a pressure below 6mBar.
We’re talking about normal atmospheric pressure.
However, I also think it is important to make such an assumption, otherwise the opposite is usually read as generally valid.
Correct, I’m going out of normal conditions first before I’m going into the special cases. That’s how I get through life:)
Where is that?
In any case, not in the question, this is a maximum acceptance you meet.