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As far as unemployment benefit I is concerned, it is an insurance benefit to which the recipient is entitled, as he has also paid into insurance before the reference.
Unemployment benefit II is, on the other hand, a benefit-free income, but the Federal Republic of Germany is, according to the Basic Law, a social state which guarantees a decent minimum of existence for all people, regardless of their benefits to society. That is why the citizen’s money cannot be completely deleted, but it can be shortened as well.
I think social envy is deposed here, because not really much money could be saved by removing the citizen’s money as a very few workers’ denials. Nor should one think that one could never get into a situation of needlessness in which one would be happy to be supported by the state.
I think it’s better if all people in the country are as good as possible and some can only enjoy three instead of four spa visits a month.
That would be a contract break. They have been paid into unemployment insurance and thus have acquired a claim for unemployment benefit.
Because that’s an insurance benefit they paid for.
And if you. ALG2 aka civil money means that we would have a lot more homeless and a much higher crime rate
No. the working ALG2 occupants are assigned a dormitory in a dormitory where they dance every night, otherwise they get soup and soap.
If you pay for unemployment insurance, you are entitled to receive unemployment benefits if necessary.
The unemployment benefit is also significantly higher than, for example, citizens’ money and refers to your previous income.
LG Knom
because you have to pay at least 12 months for it so that you have to claim it first.
and it is deleted after 1 year. then you get civic money.
Because it is an insurance benefit which is a claim.
because you did not pay for unemployment insurance
because they have paid insurance exactly in case!
ALG2 is another thing…
Because they paid for it, that would not be possible.
Because this is an insurance benefit paid by the unemployed by his social contributions.
Why should you?
Why should you? they have paid into unemployment insurance and have the right to unemployment benefit.
Because, logically, they have paid into the unemployment insurance.
What stupid question, you ever looked at your bill?
Look into history – I always do with such questions, usually lets you look deep…
In 1 month 232 questions… there must be something stupid.🤣
There was my question if he was looking for his bill, probably unnecessary, with so much free time.
👍🏻 That’s what you can often follow…😜
Because those responsible are not stupid…