Warum stoppt die Menschheit nicht Drogen zu produzieren?
Warum stoppt die Menschenheit nicht Drogen zu produzieren? Drogen töten Menschen, aber nicht nur die Konsumenten. Der Rausch (von Canabis oder Alkohol) verursacht Vehrkehrunfälle. Passivrauchen zum Teil schädlicher als selbst zu Rauchen. Es gibt Kinder die eine Raucherlunge haben, weil sie von ihren Eltern angeraucht werden. Es gibt sogar Kinder, die selber rauchen, weil sie regelrecht dazu angestiftet werden. Ich versteh auch nicht warum Alkohol akzeptiertere Droge gesellschaft ist. Alkohol zu verbieten wäre schwierig, weil Alkohol natürlich bei der Gärung entsteht…
Because it makes addiction and brings money.
Unfortunately, the influx of drugs and alcohol does not care about the health of consumers
As long as there are consumers, there will also be manufacturers who satisfy demand. If all people taste tobacco and alcohol, then no one buys the stuff and it is no longer made. Islam has managed to ban Alk, but Muslims still smoke and chew Kat in some countries. Even with us, we could totally prohibit Alk, because no one is obliged to take fermented beverages. A little natural alcohol in fruit juices is normal but does not make anyone an alcoholic, as much as you do not drink from it, you will fall from the contained fruit sugar beforehand.
Drugs bring a lot of money in.
So why should we stop production?
Unfortunately, it’s the money. Everything that makes addiction also brings a lot of money. I smoke and drink a lot of myself and also crawl occasionally and it’s just a horny feeling and people want this feeling over and over again. People are ready to spend a lot of money and the cigarette/alcoholic fragrance and the black market makes a lot of money with it
Drugs bring a lot of money and do some people good.
So why should you stop it from your point of view?
So alcohol is allowed because it is ‘naturally in fermentation’? Then the 2.5 million people who are registered annually as follow-up deaths by alcohol are the result of a ‘natural fermentation’?
There were several years ago on the part of UN (United Nations) the so-called ’10 annual plan to eradicate all drug plants worldwide.’
Computer says:
The aim was to illegally cultivate drug plants such as opium, cocaine and cannabis. until 2008 significantly reduce or eliminate.
Unfortunately, this goal was not achieved. A report by the International Drug Policy Consortium (IDPC) from 2018 called the plan “spectacular failure”, since the production and consumption of drugs have even increased in recent decades. Despite the efforts of the UN and its Member States, the illegal drug market has proved to be extremely resistant.
Why is Kannabis legal?
Because prohibition and prosecution have brought nothing and cause more social and economic damage as a whole than a reasonable regulated legalization as in Uruguay, Canada and 20 US states.
A) Indifference from the controllers
B) Drug mafias and entire governments and large banks would lose too much money. The market is simply too tempting.
C) Governments, who insist on it, are heavily undermined by drug cartels (and we would be back with the Almighty God “Money”)
Demand determines the market.
Because that makes a lot of sales when you sell them…
Because nobody wants to live healthy. No cigarettes, no alcohol, no coffee, no drugs, no sugar… no thanks.
Sugar is also natural – and a drug… do you want to ban sugar? o_O
Sugar releases dopamine and opioids during consumption and has a similar effect on the brains such as alcohol, nikition and co. … in the absence of withdrawal symptoms occur!
Caffeine is also a drug – in combination with sugar: very bad! Cola! XD
For example, fast food! You know: Pommes and Co! *seufz because delicious
What does a Colombian drug-producing company do what happens here, so long as he earns millions of cocaine here.
You earn money, and the subject isn’t black white because you don’t talk about a particular drug.
Why you ask such a question I don’t understand, because you know the answer.