Warum stinkt meine Mitschülerin so?
Hallo. Meine Mitschülerin die neben mir sitzt stinkt immer total. Was soll ich tun? Außerdem mobbt sie mich.
Hallo. Meine Mitschülerin die neben mir sitzt stinkt immer total. Was soll ich tun? Außerdem mobbt sie mich.
Our chickens are allowed to go to our orchard every day and can move around freely and search for food all day long. The shells of the eggs they lay are of normal thickness and quite stable. I was at the supermarket recently and took a look at the free-range eggs. The eggs were white,…
Hello, I wanted to ask if anyone knows where the best place to find this pellet (spittle or scat) from owls is. Maybe someone knows something about this, I don't want to buy these things when I can find them myself somewhere. Weird question I know HAHAH
Hey people, My mother called me and said that a bird had marched into our living room through the patio door. Apparently, it didn't fly and has been standing there motionless in the corner the whole time. Do you know what's wrong with the little bird or how we can help it? Is it having…
Was kam zuerst?
unser wellensittich ist seit circa 20 tagen weg. jetzt wurde einer im internet gefunden. Problem ist das es unseren vogel sehr ähnlich siehst aber auch veränderungen hat zumbeispiel der kopf hat jetzt striche.Der vogel wurde auch 30 km von uns entfernt gefunden. Kann es sein das sich der vogel vom wetter her bischen verändert
Hallo, mein Huhn Brownie wurde von einem Bussard (Greifvogel) angegriffen. Alle anderen Hühner + Hahn waren schon im Stall, nur sie war draußen. Ich habe kein Blut an ihr oder im Hühnergarten entdeckt, sie hatte nur viele Federn verloren und sie sah sehr benommen aus und hat sich keine Mühe gemacht von mir weg zu…
With logical mind, you could explain yourself. You obviously can’t, so ask her.
Then you’ll sit down and tell her how awful she stinks. She’s got it.
Can you give a shower gel, and that’s best in front of everyone: “Because you always stink, I’ll give you a little present: A shower gel:) Then we don’t need to ventilate.”
If she mobbes you, just hit back and tell her! Soo bad isn’t that either, is the truth
Talk to her about her hygiene. And on the subject of bullying, is it really bullying or do you just say that about her smell? If not – off to the teacher
she always calls me ugly
Tell her you can’t change it, but she could finally wash.
If you’re the only one who sees this, go to the HNO.
Get a teacher for a talk?
If she mobbes you anyway, just tell her to stink and take a shower.
Ask the same question of your teacher or teacher who will know better
Mob them back. laugh her sounding because she stinks
Ask her.
I don’t trust her is mean
The question is more…. who is here who is mobbing.