Warum stellen sich so viele Menschen in unserer doch christlichen geprägten Gesellschaft Buddhastatuen in den Garten?
Warum stellen sich so viele Menschen in unserer doch christlichen geprägten Gesellschaft Buddhastatuen in den Garten? Ich meine ja einerseits sieht es ja schön aus , jedoch sind diese Menschen jedoch in meinen Umkreis keine Buddhisten.Für ein Schulprojekt.
This is an interesting phenomenon. Your findings are correct. Buddha has come to some kind of garden gnome. Sometimes it also stands for wellness. And he just looks good.
But it could also be a real interest. For in his deep meditation he stands for peace, compassion and deep insight into the true nature of the phenomena.
I think it is quite right to use it as a symbol in an environment that is perhaps still Christian.
Western Europe is hardly Christian.
People gather their religiousness after the building block prime. A Buddha statue does not even represent practiced Buddhism, but is a symbol of serenity, peacefulness and open spirituality.
The simple reason is: it has become a decoration article in the west.
Most non-Buddhists do nothing else to connect with it. similar to Christmas trees also occur in Japan, for example.
Thank you
By the way, in addition to Buddha statues, there are also (coming from Tibetan Buddhism) the roll images (Thangkas).
The artists who paint these are real masters, incredible subtlety in dealing with the brush.
Have you ever seen such Thangkas?
No, but thank you for the clue I’m going to incorporate it into my presentation.
Buddhas are trendy decorative items and stand for happiness, peace and prosperity.
Let everyone do what he likes.
You can find the statues beautiful without being Buddhist.
I think this has more to do with the specific German garden grower culture and not with Buddhism.
Because it’s just a baptismal, not a God called.
Why do so many people in our yet Christian society put Buddha statues in the garden?
I don’t think so. Just as little as I believe that our society is Christian.
Two assertions that you can’t prove but also don’t have to prove, since every Christian and half-way reasoned person would expose these two assertions as false.
If our society has shaped something, then there are garden gnomes standing in pre-gardens. Since where Buddha statues stand in the garden one cannot assume that these were put in by believing Christians.
Next question?
Ultimately, your comparison with the garden gnomes is quite entertaining – there are probably more garden gnomes in German gardens than Buddha statues. But whether garden gnomes are the “pregnant symbols” of our society? That would be worth a philosophical debate.
” Ultimately, your comparison with the garden gnomes is quite entertaining – there are probably more garden gnomes in German gardens than Buddha statues. But whether garden gnomes are the “pregnant symbols” of our society? That would be worth a philosophical debate. “
🙄 At least they are a certain symbol of a peaceful epoch (reconstruction of Germany after World War II) where it was almost a good tone to put one or more dwarfs in the garden where one had a garden, which of course has nothing to do with an embossment in the conventional sense. It was probably the moral ethical view that was enshrined in our Basic Law, but it could not be too many “liked” at least today is no longer much to see from this “impact “, neither in our society nor in politics where everyone seems to be the next.
People often stand up for aesthetic or spiritual reasons, whether they are Buddhists. ”
🙄 This statement usually applies to people who are “Christians” because of their Catholic child baptisms, but do not mention those who have made a conscious decision for Jesus Christ in faith. Such would certainly not put a Buddha statue in the garden because they could otherwise be mistakenly considered Buddhists.
Here one has to distinguish where there is only a political Christian ethically motivated expression and where there are genuine Christians who are shaped by Christ. LG
Because most of them are Christian but have long since been Christians, as everyone pays the church tax is Christ. Most have already betrayed their faith
It’s not a school project.
Why are you lying?
Why would I lie like I think of something like that?
You know why you’re lying.
What’s her problem?
Well, it’s different, the guy’s mostly fat.
Yes, there are these fat laughing statues, that’s true.
But this is the depiction of a Chinese god of happiness, the correct representations used by Buddhists do not show fat Buddhas, on the contrary, the Buddha was for a long time strict ascetic and is sometimes depicted as leaned to the bones (symbol for the initial phase of his search).
I also found out that, but I asked the question to reach an increased attention. Thank you for your Antwot
1) this is called problem zone.
2) Change with Budai: