Warum steigen altcoins wenn Bitcoin steigt?

Hallo bin kryptowährung Anfänger, ich habe im Dezember letzten Jahres 1300€ in eine Memecoin Münze namens : Kishu Inu. Investiert da war der Bitcoin Preis bei 16.000$ jetzt ist der Bitcoin Preis bei 23.000$ und meine Münze ist bisschen explodiert, nun ist es auf 7000$+ als ich investiert habe wR die Marktkapitalisierung von der Münze bei 30 Million nun ist es bei 70 Millionen Marktkapitalisierung

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1 year ago

Altcoins, also known as alternative cryptocurrencies, are often closely associated with Bitcoin, as Bitcoin is the first and most famous cryptocurrency to indicate the sound for the entire cryptocurrency market. When Bitcoin increases, this can strengthen the general interest and confidence in the cryptocurrency market and also encourage investors to extend their portfolio to other cryptocurrencies, including Altcoins.

In addition, many Altcoins have their own unique features and technologies that distinguish them from Bitcoin. For example, some Altcoins have faster transaction times or better scalability, making them attractive to users and investors. When bitcoin rises, this can also increase interest in these old coins and increase their demand and prices.