Warum Steam Müll ist?
Es ist ein schöner Tag… Mann hat gute Noten geschrieben und möchte sich von einem Spiel auf Steam ein Update holen und wartet 1 STUNDE!!! Dann steht da das es installiert wird und das 5 DRECKS TAGE GEHT (auch mit einem 900,- teurem gaming PC wo es auf Uplay und Origin nicht das Problem gibt) Dann Startet man seinen PC neu und denkt sich:,,Ja, dann kann ich ja EINFACH die Installation fortsetzen!” Neu gestartet, und Zack noch mal eine Stunde Saftiger 10 GB Download und bei der Installation wieder das selbe, dann ist man halt schon mal abgefuckt… PC nochmal neu gestartet und ZACK nochmal NEU DOWNLOADEN!!!
Und schon ist wieder ein ganzer Tag im A..ch!!!
Genau sowas ist der Grund, weshalb ich mir immer mehr überlege, ob man Steam weiterhin so künstlich befürworten sollte!!! Wer hatte auch schon solche erlebnisse und sieht Steam immer Negativer an?
If you have some updates and switch off between your PC, it can be good that it starts from the front again, it won’t get faster.
If an update lasts as unusually long, it is probably less on Steam or how much money your PC has cost, but on the download speed of your own internet connection, the location of the server and the size of the update.
Steam is one of the best, if not even the best platform to shock. Just find the cause of the too slow download. If your download server is too busy, it often breaks off or has too high fluctuations. The German servers are the biggest crap. I use other servers (can be changed in settings) according to my experience Amsterdam is very good and even Venezuela is better than a German server.
For installation, the error can only be on your hard disk. Otherwise select a ssd as installation location.
I had no problems with Steam so far! Once the servers were short but after a few minutes they were online again. With the updates/downloads I had no problems, they download very quickly and install without any problems. I’ve been using Steam for years! As another variant, you could buy the games as a CD in a store.
Before you cancel a download one hundred times, you should just have a short time. The calculated time changes extremely. For me a download was probably 94 days and was finished after 20 minutes.
How quickly the game is pulled down does not depend on your computer or on Steam, but on the Internet. I’ve had problems with Steam but that’s what you’ve got to do with any actionSales where everyone’s in Steam, but otherwise?
To be honest, I have only postive experiences with Steam. I welcome the long download times because I still have the opportunity to do the one or the other thing before I am busy with the game for the rest of the day and no longer have time to do such things. In addition, the anticipation on the game is a pretty horny feeling 😂
About Steam I find the best games anyway and for the idea with the Steam Workshop I could kiss the feet as a Modder Valve
Have problems with Steam as well as never, at the most of the Summer Sale. It’s just the crowd.
Charge with constant stable 25 MB the second, so servers are not bad either.
If Steam so annoys you then buy the DvD version of the games or use alternatives. No one forces you to use Steam. Sometimes the problem is more like the computer.
And what can Steam do for your bad internet line? There can also have n 12000€ PC. Having slow internet is not faster, even on Uplay and Origin.
Actually, only if the data on your PC is defective, which is not steam’s fault. Never had a problem with steam before
With me, he keeps loading where he stopped. It seems to be a problem with your PC.
How fast you pull it down is not steam but your bambus power.
Never had a problem with Steam.
Then just don’t use Steam, but Uplay/Origin if you don’t have any problems with it. :
What can Steam now do for your bad internet? ^^
Complain to the software developers who put an unfinished game on the market.
What does that have to do with it? .. It’s gsnz alone on his internet and his pc
Woeso? He writes about update and 10 GB. [Hab I missed something?]