warum spricht man in bairische Dialekt gern “b” nicht “p”? oder p statt b…?
Eine Freudin von mir studiert Germanistik. Bei ihrer Abschlussverteidigung hat ihre Professorin eine Frage gestellt, also warum spricht bairische Person gern Wörter, anfangs mit b….z.B. bellen statt pellen.
Aber warum? Wegen der Lautverschiebung? Vielen Dank!
Definitely some rough-engined expression of the mouth area, which also prevents many Bavarians from drinking beer from fine glasses like we Kölner 😊
It was good!🤣
That’s what I’d think about the sound shifts. You learn it at university and that would be an exam topic.
So in Franken (Franggn) they also like to say: the bassd scho. That’s right.
And d instead of t. The deodore is fine a fescher mo. Theodor is a chic man.
What the gongred is. waas I a ned.
that is not in every Bairish Dialect like that.
In Franken there is no P and no T – extra in Sempft.
You mean B like Baula and D like Dheodor?