Warum sollten Arbeitnehmer weiterhin einen Großteil ihres Lebens damit verbringen, für Unternehmen zu arbeiten?

Die oft mehr Wert auf Gewinnmaximierung als auf das Wohlergehen ihrer Mitarbeiter legen?

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1 year ago

What do we do if there are only entrepreneurs and no one is hired?

Thought about it, that there are more than enough people who are more than good with their permanent job. They are happy and satisfied?
Rather, your questions draw the picture that you are not really suitable for the labour market, so consider yourself superior (but it is zero!)

1 year ago
Reply to  TraderJoe455

It’s nice to put your own statement back in your own answer and support mine!

1 year ago

Those who still live at Mutti in the cellar shouldn’t blame themselves for subduing any kind of nonsense to others.

1 year ago

If the wage laid down in the contract, including other conditions (working hours, holidays, sickness regulations, compensation for overtime, shiftwork etc.) is acceptable and, as promised, is also respected, why should we be able to afford what the company otherwise is doing.

Either you accept or you refuse and you’re looking for something else. You only decide for yourself, not for others who thinks Robin Hood usually falls on the muzzle. If conditions deteriorate, you can cancel at any time, no one is chained.

1 year ago

This question cannot be answered freely because the technology takes away the conventional jobs – in order to formulate it negatively.

Through all these robots and the AI, we are all forced to retire, where we will not starve or freeze, but perhaps the way of life comes to us.

It is now not everyone’s thing to lie on the lazy skin and wait for the citizen’s money to penetrate. You also want to do something and enjoy what you put into the world with your own hands. That one is taking this joy is actually a tragic thing for me.

1 year ago

If you want to change your bad situation, you should first see that you don’t work for the state and thus for the whole world…

Apart from that, it takes foot and not everyone wants or can be the boss of a company.

1 year ago
Reply to  TraderJoe455

The thing is that you have to work for the boss anyway, and up there for the rest. The boss needs people because he doesn’t come after alone or has no bump.

If he had to pay the plaster 1 million he would make it himself and low people would have nothing to do and would land in a normal world on the street. With us, they can at least take away state bonds

1 year ago

Why should workers continue to spend much of their lives working for companies?

Question: What should they do without these companies and the work there?
Going into the forest, lifting out an adequate ground hole and sucking on tree bark?

1 year ago
Reply to  TraderJoe455

Your “trade” is not self-employment. And whether you really belong to the very few who have a long-term success is even more than questionable.

1 year ago

Those who develop prosperity must be more than those who use the social cushion because our system otherwise collapses. Those who are not satisfied as employees can make themselves self-employed. However, most people do not want entrepreneurial risks but a predictable income and are therefore employees. So everyone chooses his fate.

1 year ago

Whether you’re directly employed for a company or externally traded, you’re always just a little girl in the gear.

1 year ago
Reply to  TraderJoe455

But they deserve you without doing anything for that,

1 year ago
Reply to  TraderJoe455

The boss also bears the full entrepreneurial responsibility and must take care of investment and everything. It is not the employee who, for example, finances a new expensive machine for operation.

1 year ago

You really have high demands, 3-4Netto LOL. There must be an expert in his profession or at least an official, most selfemployed would be happy to achieve such figures. Good for you when you think you can grab the stars. But from exceptions you can’t judge the rule case.

1 year ago

The minimum wage (legal labour rights) and, secondly, there is no good labour force for minimum wages today, which is no longer the case for help without training which is not long anyway. Who is good in his profession begins his wage negotiations equally far above minimum wage. If, of course, the sectors known for dumping levies are excluded, especially in the field of temporary work, construction, hairdresser, the usual suspects. If you’ve been beaten over there, no other employers have the blame for it, only yours, and you could have looked fat.

1 year ago

Yeah, how’s the boss coming to his fortune? Since the boss himself has built up the company with his heart blood, works much longer than the usual 40 hours a week, conducts market analysis and has to advertise customers, has invested a lot, and now wants to have the profit? Even inherited companies were eventually built up by anyone who had to invest his heart blood just as much, and must be carried on with responsibility if they should not go into graduates. Nothing goes down from heaven, no company.

That’s why the Neidhammelgetue has no benefit. If you don’t want to work for someone else, please, you can make yourself self-employed. Whether he’s lucky or fails, his thing. In civilized times, there has never been a time in which not anyone else worked, whether they were servants and maids in agriculture, apprentices and companions in crafts, day-olds or factory workers. Nowadays there are legally guaranteed workers’ rights, which were not in the past. But whoever wants to push money must do something like that. Unless he can lay his rich parents on his pocket or can be fed by the state with civil money.

1 year ago

The loan for the new machine must be received by the head of the bank, which is not paid by the employee. Such a rotary machine for a printing operation already goes into the hundreds of thousands, so much even a company manager does not have liquid. And the employee is not the only cost factor, but only one among many. As is known, profit is not income, but what remains after deduction of all costs, energy, rents, wages, social charges, taxes, raw materials, depreciation, fuels etc. Profit/loss, balance sheets, everything should be known. It is not the employee who is responsible for all that, why should he be the main profiter? These are once again communist brain spiders. Putting money, taking responsibility or even paying money for investment, for heaven’s sake no. That’s not how it works.

1 year ago

Why should employers place more emphasis on the welfare of others than on their own?

1 year ago
Reply to  TraderJoe455

Because they have to bear the (tarif) security without their own responsibility to appreciate higher than the constant uncertainties in an independent profession. Many self-employed people overestimate their own abilities, market conditions or anything else and fail, often completely overdue because they do not break in time.

1 year ago
Reply to  TraderJoe455

This can be asked, but that is the fault of workers and not of employers.

1 year ago

Because you have to live and pay for energy and insurance and taxes and food.

1 year ago
Reply to  TraderJoe455

goes also independently, but also there you have to work, and usually much more than 40 hours a week, and the other costs you have

1 year ago

and where do I have no idea of trading what you claimed?

Exactly, and I know what foreign capital is and use this word only when it comes to foreign capital.

1 year ago

What does foreign capital have to do with trading prop companies?

Maybe you go to what foreign capital actually means. You get that money on your account. This is foreign capital.

I know you’re dealing with information to Prop companies. However, these companies never accept the word “fruit capital” in their vocabulary. You don’t get any capital on your account. You just give tips on what seems to be promising.

1 year ago

I don’t need a loan, I have absolutely enough money.

1 year ago

I’ll get out of my bank. This allows me to act as I would like (if it is not just a Lombard loan). Then my bank will deduct me the 25% tax and also the church tax if necessary (if I make surplus).

I don’t need a tax advisor. Unless he’s supposed to make my income tax statement for me anyway.

I don’t know what you mean by state.

1 year ago

Who is the state for you?
What is the tax advisor for when trading?

1 year ago

Your “trade” is not self-employment. And whether you really belong to the very few who have a long-term success is even more than questionable.

1 year ago


How else would you like to finance everyday life and life?

1 year ago
Reply to  TraderJoe455

It is already thought that there may be people or workers who do not want to seek and implement freelance.

1 year ago

No, he doesn’t understand. But understandable, who still lives at Mutti in the cellar and dreams of millions he wants to earn on the stock exchange doesn’t really know how it is going in the world.

1 year ago

You get a reward in return.

Wage for work. It’s a fair deal.

1 year ago
Reply to  TraderJoe455

If that’s how they don’t start their own business?

1 year ago

Because they can’t finance a pleasant life.

1 year ago
Reply to  TraderJoe455

Yes, actually, it can be if you see a sense in his activity working in a pleasant working environment, having nice colleagues and paying is fine, just as it is with me.

1 year ago

Well, I guess that’s true. Why then on every day these posts that only serve you to boost your ego? If you’re supposed to be so successful, why do you need to show yourself better than others and make a big pants here? Happy and truly successful people do not need this. They look forward to their success in silence and help other people to succeed. They do not as much as you do about other funny or worthy other ways of life.

1 year ago

I don’t even have a fortune of 50k. I say that all the time.

lol… so big flap but nothing even reaches.

If you’re going to work properly, you might come to a sum where you can talk to the “simple employee” at eye level.

1 year ago

Sad is only this grease comedy you’re pulling off here. Because FALLS you should ever be rich, which I strongly doubt, you would be rich, but still without style and without manner. Both things that keep rich people a lot on. I honestly think you’re a maximum of 16 years old and want to present a cliché here that you looked at from any hip-hop videos or movies like Wolf of Wallstreet. And, of course, the selfmade multimillionaire and trading expert has nothing better to do with the loving long day than impressing 12-year-olds. Well, if you’re having fun… I’m sitting in my real property that I’ve worked out of my own power and laughing at you.

1 year ago

If that’s so stupid, why do their own children blame the way they live for the father’s death? I should have seen my uncle. Always on the jump, always the gas pedal on the floor panel, main thing rich, beautiful, fast, horny and impress on the other. It was foreseeable that it would end this way and no, as an employee, I have other values in life. Family, friendship, pleasure and also be happy with little. And I know that you’re behind your restless façade and your arrogance, with which you compensate for your inferior feelings, envying any person who can be happy without wealth. Because you haven’t done that until today, otherwise you wouldn’t post the same big-cooked bullshit here day by day.