Warum sollte man nicht mit Kontaktlinsen schlafen?

Ich habe mir vor kurzer Zeit ein paar super bequeme Kontaktlinsen gekauft. es sind ganz normale weiche Faschingskontaktlinsen ohne stärke. Ich habe überall gelesen, das man nicht mit Kontaktlinsen schlafen sollte, der Grund stand nie dabei. Es stand da auch nicht, für welche art von Kontaktlinsen das gilt. Ich würde mich freuen wenn ihr mir da weiterhelfen könntet.

danke schon einmal im voraus LG Leniilein 🙂

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2 years ago

Hello Leniilein,

coloured contact lenses are not basically harmful. However, they can lead to serious complications if certain things are not observed in the selection and application.

Colour lenses have completely different material properties than colourless lenses with visual strength. Oxygen permeability plays a particularly important role. In the case of colored contact lenses, the color can significantly limit the oxygen permeability, which can damage the cornea of your eyes! Your cornea can swell, which in turn leads to visual disorders and strains your eyes. Lack of hygiene can lead to infections. This can cause painful inflammation and even cause permanent damage…

Therefore, colored contact lenses should also be made of a high-quality material and only be selected by opticians/contact lens adaptors to suit the individual properties of your eyes.

Just as important for your eye health is the proper handling of contact lenses. This includes careful cleaning and disinfection with suitable care solutions, the always washed hands on and off the contact lenses and the maintenance of the wearing time. An optician/contact lens adaptor will always advise you.

So, even if you bought super comfortable color lenses, do your eyes the favor and throw away the lenses. Go to the optician, measure your eye shape and eye size and give you color lenses from the optician.

Why not sleep with contact lenses? Because the cornea gets too little oxygen. And this is even more dangerous with color lenses through the color layer.

2 years ago

Why you shouldn’t wear them overnight was already answered. I would like to add that this applies to all contact lenses. In carnival lenses anyway. On the one hand, it is often a simpler/older material; on the other hand, the color also produces less oxygen during the day than normal lenses. I find it negligent to sell them freely, without adjustment.

2 years ago

In principle, lens experts recommend that contact lenses should always be put off during sleep, allow the eyes to take a break and thoroughly clean/disinfect the lenses in time before they are reappeared. At night, the risk of infection is increased by a multiple, because lenses and eyes are not flushed with tear fluid and germs can be more easily fixed. Just right with non-adjusted color and fun lenses. They additionally impair the oxygen supply of the eyes due to their color layer. Please remember that “convenient” is not a reliable factor. Contact lenses should always be adapted professionally. And fun lenses are nothing for every day but only for special occasions.

2 years ago

Many sleep in the evening with contact lenses and risk that the germs and bacteria located on the lenses will settle on their eyes and cause inflammation.. In addition, our eyes need time during the night to recover and to “fuel” oxygen.

No reason? That was the first hit. You’re damaging your eyes for a long time