Warum so lange Planung und so viele Kosten für einen ÖPNV?

In unserer Stadt soll bis 2030 ! ein neues S Bahn Netz entwickelt werden, und das war bereits 2019 in Planung.


,, höherer dreistelliger Millionenbetrag ” soll der Steuerzahler bezahlen ? Aber was ist mit den Ticketpreisen?

Menschen die mit Fahrrad oder Auto fahren zahlen also mit für den ÖPNV ist das nicht unfair?

Meine Omas freuen sich darüber, würden das aber gerne zeitnah erleben, zurzeit fahren sie mit Bus ( haben keinen Führerschein ), und was bringt es ihnen bis 2030 zu warten ? Bis dahin sind sie womöglich schwer krank oder schon tot. Meine Oma ist 78 die andere 86.

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2 years ago

Tracks do not fall from the sky – and are expensive. One first needs a planning, then a benefit-cost study, the result of which must be greater than 1, otherwise there are no grants, then plan-fixing right – and interestingly, it is often more fought against railway lines than against roads – then the construction works have to be written out, the construction must take place, one has to write out vehicles and operators … and when using so-called. It is necessary to register routes, which must be coordinated with distance and freight transport, etc.

2 years ago
Reply to  HugoHustensaft

It doesn’t need any answers, the user is inactive, but why?

2 years ago
Reply to  Lolipopsd

You don’t ask any answer to this, do you think we’re dealing with this?

2 years ago
Reply to  Lolipopsd

This is his first question inactive is completely different.

2 years ago

If the plans for the ÖPNV of the Münsterland are to be addressed to your grandmothers, then both of them will no longer experience it. Your grandmothers are, however, not relevant to such plans. Perhaps the people who are supposed to use this system from 2030.

The purpose of such a planning is to identify the existing routes and to establish possible new construction routes. This alone requires a separate spatial planning procedure and dozens of municipalities and cities are to be involved. The inclusion of already existing routes, which may be necessary electrification, the establishment of new railway crossings, bridges or underpasses does not go from today to tomorrow, just as little as the possibly necessary expansion of some sections or the rebuilding of railway stations.

There is no provision for new train gas carvings, including an invitation to tender for this, since no single connection has yet been planned, as there is no demand survey. And there wasn’t talk about ticket prices yet.

Unfortunately, life is not as easy as some people would like.

2 years ago
Reply to  Altersweise

It doesn’t need any answers, the user is inactive, but why?

If you answered for free, the questioner will no longer be able to read, look at the profile

2 years ago

You can’t do that. Here are plans of 1980. One part is already the cross connections of the star network. But you don’t have to enforce it anywhere there is freedom of construction. At the moment, our highway, which works like a highway and goes through the city, is set at 500m around a lane. That’s not a Legostadt.

2 years ago

So people who drive by bike or car pay for the ÖPNV isn’t that unfair?

No, this is the normal principle of solidarity.

This is the same with motorways, airports, swimming pools, etc.

2 years ago
Reply to  FGO65

Isn’t the airport paid by the ticket?

2 years ago
Reply to  Lolipopsd


2 years ago
Reply to  Lolipopsd

Construction and maintenance are paid by the city, municipality or land.

The airlines pay start and landing fees.

2 years ago
Reply to  Lolipopsd

Then we wouldn’t have one, I’d take it.

2 years ago

“People who drive by bike or car pay with for the ÖPNV isn’t that unfair?”

No. The ÖPNV is part of the public infrastructure, which is now financed through taxes and taxes are not linked to a specific performance for individuals.

Moreover, drivers cost the generality more than they bring in via car taxes, i.e. people without a car and driving licence also pay for it. But no one is putting a car in front of the door.

“at the moment they drive by bus” So they use the ÖPNV.

For the age of your grandma, urban planning can also be nix.

2 years ago
Reply to  Stellwerk

It doesn’t need any answers, the user is inactive, but why?

If you answered for free, the questioner will no longer be able to read, look at the profile

2 years ago
Reply to  Lolipopsd

I smell.

2 years ago


Here’s money. I guess no one’s gonna need it by then.

I think it’s called urban development.
