Warum sind veganer unbeliebt?
Ich bin vegan und bekomme ständig dumme Kommentare daher . Warum ?
Ich überredete oder zwinge keinen sich so zu ernähren .
Ich bin vegan und bekomme ständig dumme Kommentare daher . Warum ?
Ich überredete oder zwinge keinen sich so zu ernähren .
Welche Vitamin D und K Ernährung empfehlt ihr. Bitte beide schreiben. Danke.
Was is die Logik dran das ein ganzes Tier unter 10€ Kostet Ich mein im Vergleich Schokolade So ein kg Schoko is 6 Hendel wert. Das ergibt doch keinen Sinn.
Hi! Wie kann man Menschen am besten vom Veganismus überzeugen?
Hallo, habe seit gestern nach dem Abendessen (also ca. 2-3 Stunden später) wieder hunger. Nicht auf süßes und das ist kein Heißhunger, sondern ich habe wirklich Hunger. So als hätte ich nie zu Abend gegessen. Meine Mahlzeiten sind auch ausgewogen und ausreichend, ich verstehe also nicht warum das passiert. Bitte hilft mir weiter…
Hallo Leute! Kann ich Hähnchenbrust in einem Edelstahltopf braten? Generell sollte das ja eigentlich kein Problem sein oder? Ich hab nur eine Edelstahl und eine beschichtete Pfanne, in der Teflonpfanne bekomme ich keine Farbe an das Fleisch weil ich die nicht so heiß machen darf und in meiner Edelstahlpfanne ist noch Pfefferrahmsauce vom Vortag, kann…
Well, many vegans don’t just mission, they remind me of Christian missionaries of the Middle Ages. If they could, the meat eaters would burn. As in any other area in which the extremists are mainly perceived, this also affects the other vegans who actually only want to chew an ear off because of animal suffering.
Sometimes you have the feeling that people (hero-land) have been so good for so long that they always look for something to ignite, something to bully, something to prevent the loss of prosperity, etc. and then, if possible, have to live out in the safe cover of the Asocial media.
Why is that? Probably because humans are so knitted.
Many vegans are very militant and want the Animal killers “to the leather.” – Maybe that’s why. Maybe there’s something projected on you.
There is no rational reason for veganism.
Vegan in itself is extreme because it is based on a black white think. The dogma is only the total abandonment prevents animal suffering.
If you’d have to apply the dogma to other areas in your life, you’d have to run naked, some clothes are made in slave-like factories to hunger wagers or you don’t care about people. You can neither keep chickens and treat them royally to eat their eggs around put on clothing you could not wear fairtrade clothes although it is good for people like chicken.
If only extremes count not every applause.
Yes there you are right there is not only a reason to be vegan but more than enough reasons if you want to google it if you know everything better. There are his advantages and disadvantages in every diet yet I think the benefits of vegan diet outweigh 😊
The vegans overlook an important point: a large part of the farmer. Use area consists of green land, in Ireland, for example for the most part, the soil is too moist for arable farming, too stoney or not deep green enough. Only with animals such as cattle sheep, goats and other plant eaters it is possible to produce high-quality food from grass for humans. This exalted animal love, as it is practised by many, I often see as a substitute for religion, (some one here needs man), some even quote the Bible: You should not kill.
Of course there are reasons for veganism e.g. But speciesism is not a rational reason.
Why should animals suffer for plant production and do not die for animal products? Why is the field hate worth less than the rabbit roast?
Let me ask you a question. From all your answers, it always happens that you also reject mass animal husbandry. Most of the Germans and even more people around the world consume this meat. Extremely many even without bad conscience. 15% of all Germans say they don’t care about animal suffering.
Still, you shoot vegans all the time. Why don’t you shoot a good question against the people who justify intensive livestock farming and animal feed from South America?
If you keep getting comments, you’ll probably talk about it all the time.
The question of why would probably be resolved.
No, how often do I say this now in these comments I didn’t tell anyone, but I’m going to school and that’s what you’ve noticed.
Here you have to read other comments before you answer. Thank you for the clarification.
Now we know what this is all about. Teachers should actually know what to do with it. Unfortunately, the undifferentiated comments from other children and puber animals are pre-programmed. After school, it’s over, they’ll all grow up.
Depends on , nowadays it is a trend to have vegans
So it is – above all, not to have to question your own doing (and leave)…
Thank you – a happy one!
Because they feel attacked because they know they act immoral.
Because for many people everything else is automatically bad. (=Appeal to Tradition)
Anyone who is more concerned with this will quickly find out that it is more sensible to cause less animal suffering than more.
How true – thank you!
Good luck…;)
Okay. How exactly do people know you’re vegan and what opportunity exactly is the comments?
A very true joke is like this:
How do you know someone is a vegan? – He’ll tell you.
There’s this old joke.
Exactly. That’s why I asked.
I still go to school and when there were cakes, for example, on birthdays or on our Christmas market at school waffles and sausages. Then the questions came up and then even at every opportunity stupid comentars.
the joke is stupid and quite erlich he gets old I’ve already heard this three times
There can be no questions without provoking it yourself, by sharing with all people that you are a vegan.
The only and excuseable opportunity would be to offer you something you don’t want to eat. In all other cases, you blame yourself.
That means you’ve been counting around three people today that you’re a vegan…
No, how often do I say this now in these comments I didn’t tell anyone, but I’m going to school and that’s what you’ve noticed.
Part 2 of this “heat” :
Yeah, that’s how a shoe gets out – especially here, in the anonymous world of “www”…
Yeah. You didn’t get any food. The less you share, the less you will hear.
There were only cases where I refused to eat. I don’t tell anyone on my fucking school voluntarily that is vegan.
And with it, you’re unquestionably sharing with others how you feed and others are annoying you.
… So you counted it around people and tried to hide it in questions…
No, but I’ve been wondering today.
They are neither more popular nor unpopular than Omnivore.
Maybe that’s what it says: “How do you recognize a vegan? He’ll tell you. ‘
I didn’t have to listen to a stupid comment in my whole life when I ordered a vegetarian pizza in the restaurant instead of a salami pizza.
Just because I say to the waiter “once pizza verdura”. But I also know others who say to the waiter “once pizza verdura” to inform all those present unquestioned “I am vegan”.
You know the difference?
Yeah, I’m not stupid, it’s just that I’m still at school and you can’t figure it out without I tell you. This stupid joke is written in the comments 4 or 5 times already
Because, just like LGBTQ, it is penetrant and missionary to the public. This creates discomfort and rejection.
Because they bring a bad conscience to the carnivores and impair their comfort.
Because some people are stupid and denekn all vegans force others to live. Just ignore what else does not help
Thank you
Because it’s just annoying when there’s always a hype around any “besserman”. What was still completely normal 50 or 100 years ago is suddenly “morally discarded”.
Witch burning was also completely normal, it is suddenly ”moral”
Well, yes, some vegans are very different from you. B
Because they always feel better than what they are and lead others to see how bad they are.
No and that’s exactly what not all vegans and neither one of them I know and I know many
You may not do that, but other of your colleagues have a quite strong sense of mission and are more diligent than Jehovah’s Witnesses
He says he keeps getting comments about it – means: he tells everyone…
Make sure you talk about food a day.
Sometimes the subject cannot be avoided. Similar to someone who has a lot of food allergies. The knowledge then also very quickly very many people.
@guitschee NO how often I say this now in these comments nich I didn’t tell anyone, but I’m going to school and that’s what you’ve noticed.
Probably, yes. A vegan, when you first notice that he is one, if he asks for a short while, if there is something for him I have never met before.
Vegetarians already, no things but vegans just go to home with their opinion
I’m talking a little bit about how I like eating. But I am not talking about the fact that I am omnivor, that is often not relevant – even if it is indirectly natural to hear, because I also talk about what I eat.
You know, there are different ways to talk about it and many vegans and vegetarians have such a kind that is just incredibly annoying, so “I want to announce this now, listen to me!”
For example, if I phantasize about chocolate tassels – which is quite the more open :-D, then a vegan can react with: “Isn’t mine, I don’t give up milk products.” For example, I would ask whether for health/allergic reasons or ideological reasons and no one makes a barrel. Either way. Many vegans, whether conscious, or unconscious, react completely differently. Like they had to justify themselves, but at the same time they saw themselves as something better. At least it comes to people who have really been fed by mission-abbelvegans. They then react in semi-aggressively half-respondent tonefall alá “I don’t eat that! I’m a vegan!” – you don’t have to talk to them at all. Of course, that’s always a transmitter-receiver thing.
But this is like with this question at the top, where a “you are fucking” attitude is built up by the FS – that’s just annoying. Be vegan, yes, but don’t bother with it. No one wants to be clarified directly about your dietary habits and world views if you don’t ask.
The problem is, many vegans do not feel a conversation, but push it up – which immediately leads to an ANTI stop. I like to eat steak – but I think most about it when a vegan/vegetarian annoys me… and this anti-conception is also transmitted quickly.
I hear it from the whole school they are so stupid they tell it run and since I’m not popular…
Yeah. So you only hear this from classmates – now young people are not a benchmark for society.
I actually know a vegan who only said that in the way (because we asked), and that was completely okay, it makes sense to say that too, and then almost everyone really likes to consider it. … Unfortunately, this should be the absolute exception…
As long as you don’t always tie this on your nose and crab and mission unintentionally, it bothers you as well as nobody.
But this need for communication that you seem to have – otherwise people do not know – is annoying.
It’s just annoying you because it scratches your morality. The presence of a vegan alone triggers guilt in you.
Please be honest with yourself.
If you mean… You need to know.
Why are you asking us the question?
Don’t be convinced vegans and don’t touch your environment, that might increase your popularity.