warum sind Veganer so extrem?
zu allererst: ich bin aktuell dabei auf Fleisch zu verzichten und mich stattdessen von Fisch zu ernähren. Eben ein Pescetarier. Auf Milch,Käse und Ei möchte ich allerdings nicht verzichten. Nun fiel mir auf, wie extrem Veganer eigentlich sind. Ich finde es grundsätzlich gut das sie sich für das Tierwohl einsetzen, doch die Art und Weise wie sie es tun ist extrem. Isst man Fleisch ist es falsch,isst man Vegtarisch ist es falsch e.t.c Grade die Militante Veganerin und eine andere Userin auf Tiktok, deren Live mir angezeigt wurde, stachen besonders mit ihrem Verhalten auf. Versuchen einem ein schlechtes Gewissen einzureden, was absolut nicht geht. Ich sage ja auch nicht zu einem Veganer, das er den Kaninchen die Möhren und so wegfrisst. (Extrem ausgedrückt) Was ist eure Meinung über Veganer? Finde jeder soll sich ernähren wie er will, ohne das einem ein schlechtes Gewissen eingeredet wird.
Unfortunately, it is a fact that animals in the animal industry are severely tortured. Also for milk and eggs. For all animals in the animal industry are at some point violently killed against their will – every tenth without working anaesthesia, i.e. under the age of death. [Source]
In addition, all animals are exploited in the animal industry and tortured in many ways. Zb mutilated and neutered in childhood without anaesthesia. Children are taken away from their parents, they are walking around the genitals of breeding animals, keeping the animals mostly in too small space, many live in their own shit, etc.
Letting other death skills be added is simply not okay. What else should you say?
Animal products can be dispensed with. So you should do that too. Also to expect from others the boycott of unnecessary animal cruelty is not extreme.
Watched the films DOMINION and Earthlings and worshipped both films. Not only “Use cattle” but also dogs, monkeys, mice and other animals were tortured, which it is no longer to be described in words. Therefore, when buying milk, egg and fish, I pay attention to seals and links to websites where you can inquire. With my eggs, for example, they were against killing chicks. And so, you make a contribution. Especially since you have a good conscience in consumption and value these things more.
I also looked Dominion and it took me full. So I can understand you very well. What was shown is images from hell.
If I read your comment, I will be very sad. You have compassion, that’s nice. That’s very valuable! But then you let yourself be fooled.
Like I said. JEDES “Use” animal is slaughtered. I don’t care where you buy eggs and milk. And at every slaughter, forcibly, someone is slitting the throat that doesn’t want to die. Sometimes even with consciousness, that cannot be avoided 100%. You saw the videos yourself!
What I’m saying now you won’t like: killing someone for money or pleasure is murder. And whoever the victim is doesn’t matter. There were times and there are still places in the world today, where killing some people is not defined as murder. The execution of homosexuals, for example. Just because this is perceived as ethically correct in some countries, just as you think it is ethically acceptable to have a calf executed, it does not mean that it is not a murder.
What makes murder a crime is the insane intention of the perpetrators and, above all, the suffering of the victims. The pain that is caused, the bloodbath, the will of life that is kicked with feet. Since all animals, whether homo sapiens, Bos Taurus or Gallus Gallus can feel death fear, desire for life and torment, there is no rational reason not to define the violent killing of a calf for the enjoyment of his mother’s milk as murder. It’s murder.
So what you do is to go to the sites of murderers – and then you give them your trust when they say they are good with animals. How is violent killing compatible with “good care for someone”?
When one tries to seduce a woman against her will, every year on the new one, her child takes away, it kills and all this is just to steal her breast milk – then this is cruel and exploited. No matter what species the mother belongs to, and no matter what beautiful seals the company tastes.
And if you kill someone against his will, then the murder is even if it happens quickly and painlessly.
But the thing is: a lot of what is on these websites is not true. There are time and again scandals that are revealed by such companies. The animals then slaughter consciously, beat dead and not everything.
Look at yourself. I have the courage.
Here you can see a list of other scandals in Germany. As you can see, there are many small businesses there. And many under the “life good”lable https://tierschutz-skandale.de/
First of all, it is like with all world views, there are the ones who do their thing in peace, who like to give information when someone asks and at least don’t interfere.
Then there are some slanted birds that aren’t just evil, but make a little dance because they always have to emphasize that they are vegans, in case, and that you have to fry an extra sausage for them.
They’re a bit exhausting, but they’re still some people, even if they’re not vegans.
And then there are the in fleshed-in (what irony!) vegans who believe to keep every lecture on the fact that as a meat eater one is practically in isolation to animal cruelty and world destruction.
This becomes a mania and a fanaticism that borders on religious zeal.
The most absurd thing I experienced in this regard was when a mixer asked on the Internet how he could eat less meat. And a vegan has shown him very friendly a few ways for delicious vegan meals.
There another user, also vegan, has mixed up, the first has sworn to the worst and accused her of being “no real vegan” because they support meat consumption. 🤦
It is proven that we have too high meat consumption, that is not good for health, the planet and animal welfare. But keeping others from eating less meat is probably the most counterproductive thing you can do. 🤦
So, there are really isolated jealousies at work that can disguise everyone. 😒
Conversely, there are also countless antivegan-adjusted people – who have to tell everyone how unhealthy, lacking, annoying, boring, edious, health-prone, ideological, annoying etc.
Grade these “Eiferers” often mix – unquestioned – in discussions and requests from vegans to vegans.
I only wished – for the sake of order – to have said !
Instead of eating fish, I find it problematic because of the overfishing of the world seas.
There is also enough normal. You only get the extremes because the normal ones who simply live their veganism and don’t yell at anyone and turn to try to get no calls. For me, these extreme examples, such as the militant vegan, are quite different.
My best friend is vegan.
I’ll leave her alone, she’ll leave me alone.
There are always the extremes from both sides…something more tolerance for each other would be appropriate….
For your last sentence, I give you absolutely right!
Do you really think you should tolerate unnecessary, massive animal torture?
And that is extreme when you boycott that animals would be massively tortured for your own pleasure?
what did you not understand about my answer?!
I don’t want to attack you or something. I respect you as a human being. Everything else would be stupid, I was also the majority of my life of meat. And I was certainly not a bad person!
What I condemn is what animals are done. Not from you, but from the animal industry. But you never deliberately decided to support animal cruelty. Me neither. We’re just being taught from birth that it’s okay. We are fed with meat before we can understand what this is. And how bad the animals really are there is hardly any talk about it. It’s not your fault.
Nevertheless, we have responsibility. To deal with it. Thinking if it’s really okay how we deal with animals. I’m sure you really want animals to be okay 🙂
I’m not talking to you anymore. Do you want your tofu and I’m my steak! Bye!
I understand your answer.
So. For the production of animal products, whether meat, milk, eggs, wool, ducks, leather or whatever, animals are massively tolerated. They are treated like objects, their needs are irrelevant.
When I buy animal products, I support this cruelty that is done to animals. I pay the perpetrators for doing it and producing a demand for further animal products. You’re responsible for what’s done to animals.
This means that if you find it good or not to buy animal products, you are responsible for massive animal cruelty. And all this is completely unnecessary. You can also simply boycott animal products, just like vegans do.
Why would you tolerate that?
I wouldn’t generalize this on “the vegans”. Apparitions like the “militant vegan” are not necessarily representative.
But there is a tendency, especially in Germany. It is very typical German to want to convert all the world to their own moral convictions. I think most vegans live in the western world.
The majority of vegans say nothing about it when someone feeds vegetarian or eats meat. I wouldn’t take the militant vegan as a benchmark for other vegans, because they can’t do anything.
People who tear their mouths up on the Internet are here as there, but I see clearly more “meat” criticize the vegans than vice versa.
Thank you, thank you.
Ganau right: Everyone should eat so we consider it right. And no one should do another about it.
I’m all right. But eat little meat and sausage. And be careful where my flesh comes from.
Personally, I wouldn’t mind if meat was more expensive. If, however, it should not be like this because of rigour, but because the animals are kept better.
and why are vegans so aggressive? Now they are crying, but they are often headlines. Falling through her penetrantes will occur negatively. And then it’s all the same….
The loud demands are perceived, the others are not. It’s like sooo many things.
A user here in the comments, spoke of animal torture, but as a profile picture has a bio-fruit yogurt from Aldi where 3.5% milk content is in it :DD Find the error! Right hypocrite!
For example, I care about the milk and eggs coming from regional farmers, where I also know this is good for the animals. But even there, the vegans freaked out!
Yeah, that’s right. According to their opinion, animals should not exist in “householding”.
Which chicken could be happier than these, which “my” eggs lay?
20 bitches should be, I don’t know. the FREI run around on the farm, have meadow, stable if they also want stone floor (so not concrete, but keep so gravel and gravel). Can be in her stall at any time. There’s plenty of room in there. Only at night they are brought into a safe area – so that neither fox nor air grabs can get them. but still have the choice between outside and inside. But not even enough. No, the chickens are kept so I can eat the eggs, that’s a mistake!
Most likely the vegans would be as good as without animals….
HAnd and cat perhaps still, and in any case you could not keep letting, then what should you eat them?
Well, veganism isn’t about nutrition. I don’t care what you eat.
What I don’t care is massive cruelty to animals. Or to provide financial support or commissioned by the purchase of animal products. Or even to defend this cruelty in the animal industry.
I don’t care if you buy a scavenger to eat it or throw it against the wall.
Yes, why are vegans so aggressive when someone else’s death skills are added? It shouldn’t be a mystery.
are you so aggressive when it comes to being exploited? Are you entering minorities here and now? Imagine single ones to be hunted
JAAAAA Damn for meat consumption animals must die. Nevertheless, it depends on how they are kept. And Wild MUSS will be shot because otherwise it will take over and cause damage.
And “My” chickens are NOT exploited.
But I need to talk to DIR about it.
and @Nugggie: I mean those people. It’s vegan people like Devoid that I vrohin menite
First research, then open your mouth. https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bankivahuhn
You don’t even know how many eggs they lay, but are you sure to know so much about them that you can guarantee that they aren’t breeders? Believe me.
People are animals of the species Homo Sapiens. But of course, a pig is not a human. Don’t you think I know?
What relevant is this statement? Why should “animals are not humans” be a sufficient reason for violent killing?
This sentence is pure arbitrariness, just as if one would justify violent killing with “bows are not heteros”, “blacks are not whites”, or “women are not men”.
Call a relevant difference between human and non-human animals, which is supposed to justify the desire of animals to live with feet.
The “urhunhn” does not exist (more). How many eggs the chickens lay? I don’t know, but it hasn’t happened to me because they don’t lay. These are not high-bred one producers who lay when they lay.
And once again: MUST are now MENSCEN and HERE are HERE. Doesn’t mean you’re not supposed to treat the latter well.
Yes, but primarily offline.
You don’t have to worry about any problem. It is completely justified to use only one thing. After all, most people, you probably do nothing at all.
Good attitude does not justify violent killing. You wouldn’t allow a murder of a person as long as he had a good life, would you?
But what is the relevant difference between human and nonhuman animals, which would justify an unequal treatment?
If we kill a human being, that’s bad because this person wanted to live and this right of life is violated. And usually, of course, as it is painfully killed – as it is often the case in a battle [source1], [Source2]
All animals, whether pig or homo sapiens, have the desire to live. What makes the killing of a person cruel (the injured desire for life) is also present in animals. Consequently, both are a crime.
Anyone who has taken over the most and has done harm to the most is the MENSCH. What we do to this planet is not even comparable to the damage that wild can do. Is that why we shoot people? Luckily not.
We are responsible for the imbalance in the “wildness” that is not at all in Germany. This is all forest. We should bathe this problem, not the wild animals. Castration is also an approach.
Where are the chickens from? What happened in breeding with the brother’s hens that no man needs?
How many eggs do your chickens lay? Do you realize that the urhn only lays 20 eggs a year and that unnaturally many eggs lead to a strong nutrient deficiency, broken bones and often to other diseases?
It is possible to give chickens a hormone chip so that they have to lay fewer eggs and feed them back a large part of their eggs, for recovery IHRER own nutrients. Then they’re not exploited.
Look in here:
Find everything on the Youtube channel of “Der Artgenosse”…
On his blog you will also find ingenious comics and texts – on the subject of anti-veganism – only for information!
Much fun…;)
As “extreme” I find quite different people, things – and states…
If you put a person’s life at the stage of a rat’s life, the outing of rat poison for pest control is already a malicious attempt to murder. Accordingly, a vegan reacts with hatred to the majority society that meets his value system with incomprehension and disgust.
The experience also teaches that the rejection of people and the use of animals in vegans often have the cause of psychological problems that lead to separation from the majority society. Of course, the whole thing is better to be seen as an elitist minority. One draws self-confirmation from the accusation of one’s small group and one gets them by vehement appearance against the rest of humanity.
This is based on the desire to rub everyone under the nose that one is vegan (and thus a better person) and aggressiveness. which also aims to appear in their own small group as the most vegan vegan. at least not to be negatively noticed by laziness against evil Omnis (group forced).
The poor “emnis”…;)
Not all vegans hate you when you eat meat. There are also extreme omnivores and vegetarians.
It is not about meat consumption, but also eggs and dairy products.
Yes just as there are vegans who insult vegetarians and allies, there are vegetarians insulting meat eaters and meat eaters who insult others.
Fact is vegetarians are the worst.
what happens if the cocks can’t lay eggs anymore? She’s being slaughtered. What happens if the cow can no longer give milk(a cow gives only milk if she is pregnant otherwise not)? Right Also slaughtered .
I think the militant vegan is just right. Animals die here for our pleasure. It’s so bad that we look like normal and don’t understand how brutal we are. Above all, life without meat is possible today and not necessary at all.
It’s not about dying, it’s about eating egg and dairy products. There’s also a song. As it goes off at slaughterhouses, is cruel, so after the docu I also lost the appetite of meat.
Blood sticks to your hands and your argumentation is almost psychopathic. But glorify yourself;)
Eggs and dairy products are produced under the worst conditions. The animals have no beautiful life.
from someone with a organic fruit yogurt where 3.5% milk is in(not vegan) I won’t let anything say. Elender Heuchler ^ Your profile picture revealed you 😉
Yes then prove that I suffer from deficiency symptoms hahaha
All vitamins can be absorbed by supplements and I have no symptoms of deficiency;). Another useless argument. Yes I let you live but accept that your arguments have no basis and it doesn’t help you if you’re so triggered. You’re not as good as you say.
Apart from that, you asked for an opinion.
How about you let everyone live as he wants? Fact is, you vegans often have to deal with the worst deficiency symptoms. Just because you lack certain nutrients. But you vegans are so great.
Because it is the truth :D. You have nothing to say and cannot accept facts. You use every means to see you as normal. If you support animal cruelty, it’s not like you’re moral.
Also a typical statement of a vegan. And for that reason, many do not take you seriously.
However, carrots are not suitable feeding for rabbits. 😉
I don’t care about the diet of other people, and if a vegan bugs me, I don’t listen. Who can be provoked in such discussions is also hurried.
“I basically think it’s good that they use for animal welfare…”
What makes a vegan for the animal welfare?
“I find it bad that the pigs have to live in such tight stems. That’s why I don’t eat honey and no more eggs!”
But does the pig have more quality of life?
A normal eats meat and a pig is slaughtered. This then no longer has to live where vegans call it “place of exploitation and malting”.
And the other pigs have more space.
Vegans don’t care about animal suffering.
A vegetarian can align his buying behaviour according to animal welfare. He doesn’t buy cage eggs anymore, but free-land eggs.
His buying behaviour ultimately affects production and that animals are better.
No vegan tells you how the animals have to be kept so that they don’t “wear”. Animal husbandry is not intended for her world view. Therefore, the animals must be erased.
Sometimes, with “Veganism” only one eating disorder should be hidden.
Why don’t you eat? I am depressed (or feel too fat with BMI 13). Then go to the doctor.
Why don’t you eat? I’m vegan because I’m sorry for the animals. TOLL.
I don’t think much about the “military vegan” either. Whether their type of activism is now predominantly targeted or counterproductive, I do not know, but also for other reasons.
Your question is justified, because most vegan living people were not vegan for most of their lives and I would therefore ask you not to write my answer as a personal attack.
But I can tell you why some are so “extreme”: We have often dealt intensively with the extreme suffering of animals, especially in “milk farming”. If then people who say otherwise of themselves are “animal friends” or “animal love” continue to consume their own enjoyment products that are associated with this extreme animal suffering, then that can make it angry.
In our current society, it is still free to say “I don’t care about animal suffering”, as parents were free to beat their children until 2000. Until then one could have asked: “Why is it not enough for people to beat their own children, why do they have to interfere and try to convert others when others beat their children? Let everyone choose their educational methods as they want.” Sure, one topic is about people, the other “only about animals”. What I want to show with this comparison is that veganism is not just a personal decision of diet, etc., but a social justice movement.
I myself do not constantly discuss work colleagues, etc. because it doesn’t get much anyway. But if I can somehow avoid it, I do not take part in any social events where animal welfare products are consumed. Can you call it extreme, I call it consistent.
Good answer!