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2 years ago

Dark is dominant – i.e. if a blonde father with a bruenette mother has a child, this is with great probability also bruenett

2 years ago

These were rare mutations worldwide only in northern Europe. Greek and Roman patricians were crazy about blond hair from Northern Europe.

2 years ago
Reply to  UbuRoi

Only in the ancient late period was the cult. In ancient Roman Patriziate, in the times up to the Gracchi reforms, natural or red hair was quite normal and by no means rare, perhaps even predominant. Blonde people in Rome have become quite rare in fact only the multicultural imperial period, where people from foreign regions (North) Africa and (Southwest) Asia settled in Rome and from 212 n. Chr. even received Roman civil law.

2 years ago
Reply to  Strixnet

Where to see original antique colored pictures of ancient Greeks and Romans?

2 years ago

Thank you. I have already seen the bikini roasters in real life and also in the Museum in Naples the frescoes and mosaics from Bombay (this is Franconian for Pompeii)

2 years ago

On mosaics. I have already seen hundreds of examples in museums. Even in the imperial period, the Romans seem to have been more blond on average than, for example, Greeks, Celts and Persians of the same time period. A good example would be the mosaics of Villa Romana del Casale in Sicily, where several young, sporty blonde females as well as blonde Roman hunters are depicted.

Perhaps in the southern areas of the Italian Peninsula, the patricians have blended less with “innate” Pelasgers or with strangers from the African and Asian provinces of the empire, thus preserving their indo-European, blonde type even later, when he had long gone up with the Hellenic peoples in the Mediterranean mixture.

2 years ago

Because red or blond hair, as well as blue or green eyes are consumed.

2 years ago

Dark is generally more dominant than zb blonde at the eyes is the same way will die blond zb