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There are cheap leather tannings on saddles, which dye off or also inappropriate care products, which leave color from leather tanning or which themselves have color components that leave. Since most of the saddles are black or brown, there is a probability that black or brown color passes over to the clothing. That’s why it’s like to be in dark. I have a riding pants in brown with beige microfibre trim. If I only treat my saddles with suitable leather care products, no problem. If I were to take some fat, it could lead to stupid spots on the pants – you know tournament pants that also have white trims.
The occupancy is there for better grip – dark is it because you can see the dirt worse on it. By the way, there are also grip pants, there is the rubber trim and mostly transparent.
Because dark discolorations would usually occur in any case due to dirt (leather fat…), one often takes the same dark occupation.
What do you mean dark?
Maybe you’re the one who’s got a better hold. In addition, it is usually also a very dark brown or black to not see the dirt like that. Horses are not very clean animals, they are always dusty and so.
That’s exactly what I meant, thank you:)
Horses are not always dusty and so. A healthy horse has almost self-cleaning fur and is very clean. There should be nothing. And for riding, you put your horse. If dust were removed, it would also be bright and thus clearly more visible on dark garments. In addition, the fitting of the trousers has no contact with the horse and should not be suitable for this.
The areas with the leather trim are more damaged because you give the necessary help to the horse.
However, I can transfer seat aids to the saddle with a light fitting as well as with a dark one.