Warum sind Österreicher immer so unfreundlich?

Immer wenn ich einem Österreicher begegne, sind sie unfreundlich, egal ob in Online-Spielen oder in Person, sie beleidigen und sind generell voll unfreundlich, obwohl ich denen nix getan habe. An sich ist Österreich vllt schön, aber solche Leute lassen meine Aussagen überdenken und dass ich vielleicht nicht nach Österreich kommen werde usw.

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1 year ago

I come from Austria myself, perhaps I am part of the problem 😀 But as mentioned above, not all Austrians have the same character. As Carinthia I find the Viennese are particularly unfriendly, but you can’t say that flat-rate. And of course, the aversion to Piefke will also play, but this usually comes from older German campsite visitors who then ask stupid questions or are complicated on markets or inns…

1 year ago

Vienna is not for nothing the most unfriendly city in the world, but also the most liveable. It is necessary to create the balancing act;)

I don’t like Grantler, but there are some. I assume you’ve always had the bad luck with the wrong ones, because unfriendly ones.

I cannot start with the Italian population in South Tyrol. I didn’t even experience this unfriendly here in Vienna. Therefore, for example, Bolzano never sees me again in life.

You see, there are such and such and of course all over the world.

antnschnobe, UserMod Light

I can’t confirm that with the best will.

No matter where and when I was in Austria, I was always treated friendly and accommodating, even “equivalent”.

Is it perhaps because I am from Bavaria? Or just because I’m so friendly?

1 year ago

Bavaria is the enlarged Austria.

1 year ago

Sure Bavaria are almost like us, we have a lot of pleasure 😊🙏🏻

2 months ago

I think you’re coming from Beyern (so, like, one of us)

1 year ago


it’s all about it sone and such I cannot share this experience at all. On the contrary, I have had quite different experiences with Austrians.

The sound makes the music.


1 year ago


There are in every country, in Germany, Italy… Just everywhere! Some people are like that, others aren’t! Most people in the world are not like that.

Back to Austrians:

You probably just had bad luck. Not all of them! Just because some were not polite to you, not all Austrians are like that!


1 year ago

Hello Wolfz665,

I live fairly close to borders and have also had many Austrian colleagues.

My experiences are quite different.

Why should they be unfriendly?

You can travel to Austria, maybe you can change your mind when you get to know people directly.


2 months ago

I as an Austrian can say that we may be a little too unfriendly. But they’re not all the same. As a steirer, I find that the Tyroleans are extremely unfriendly and extremely racist (has been a friend of the half steirer half Tyrolean and that was therefore extremely practicable in school). The Viennese are also very unfriendly and the steirers are only with the Carinthians and vice versa a bit tricky.

1 year ago

I am an Austrian myself and cannot confirm your statement. Surely there are many unfriendly people, but you have them in every country. I have some German friends who believe that the Austrians are even more friendly than the Germans.

1 year ago

This is our Austrian mentality.

1 year ago
Reply to  ioroio


1 year ago

I believe that this is a general dislike against us Germans and “the Piefkes”. A colleague had to – before he worked with us, he had to deliver truck drivers something in Austria. Dozens of guides gave him a wrong answer, probably from intention. Only the police really helped in asking two officers who then explained the way to him on the basis of a plan.

I have not met many Austrians yet. Yes, there are such and such that is true. A colleague Austrian was always very friendly. I am also friends with an Austrian via the social networks. There is. Once, I met one with these Viennese Schmäh at work, who always said to every colleague “Küss the Hand, Madame”. Hm, I thought it was weird.

As far as art is concerned, Austria has always brought up rebellious people, which the “Waldheim Conservatism” or the incompatibility towards foreigners went quite far to the pointer. Helmut Qualtinger, Werner Schwab, Ernst Hrdlicka, Oskar Werner, Peter Kern, Hermes Phettberg, Falco and above all Thomas Bernhardt scheissten on Wienerwaldmädel or Peter- Alexander-Heile Welt. They were also unfriendly, but to those who were unfriendly to foreigners, German tourists, Jews, homosexuals, etc. Only unfortunately is the friendly Austria in the minority.

1 year ago
Reply to  Carasol78

Once, I met one with these Viennese Schmäh at work, who always said to every colleague “Küss the Hand, Madame”. Hm, I thought it was weird.

This would even find Wiener in Vienna strange. The comedian found it seemingly funny, where it was safe for the first time, but it takes advantage of itself.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jack98765

That was really a joke. If so (except in traditional coffee houses), a Viennese would have said, “Küss the Hand, gnä’ Frau” . I have not heard Madame in my whole life.

1 year ago

Question: Why do some GF users always have to make insane generalizations?

Austrians are certainly not more unfriendly than Germans. Maybe Gamer’s his own carnival…

Drive to Austria and you can convince yourself of the opposite.

1 year ago

I didn’t ask.

But in Vienna, someone in the subway has come along that we are German and has addressed us. He was kind. But that he, totally unquestioned, felt called to explain to us that Austrians do not like Germans because we are so rude, I found on the one hand informative and on the other hand funny. In Germany it would be more rude to inform strangers in the railway about why they are not liked in the country. 😎

1 year ago

As an Austrian, I apologize for the inappropriate behaviour of my people.

1 year ago
Reply to  ddddddds

This apology is also included as an Austrian

1 year ago

Austrians are more friendly to me, especially the Viennese. In Austria, like in deep Bavaria, some do not yet know that the war is. In this way, their merical behaviour is opposite.

1 year ago
Reply to  almmichel

Austrians are more friendly to me, especially the Viennese.

That’s bullshit. From 2x holiday in Austria you can’t judge this.

1 year ago
Reply to  Deichgoettin

Hahah… Gschamster servants…

1 year ago
Reply to  almmichel

You didn’t say a plan about Viennese so nicely: Hoit di Goschn

1 year ago
Reply to  almmichel

So this is probably a rarely stupid statement… in Vienna some nations live and it is an absolutely multi cultural city and definitely is clear to everyone that the war is over. Light dislike against Germans is usually meant rather sarcastically or humorously and not seriously evil. Believe humor is different. But just in a Central European capital to think that people have not understood that the war is over, is rarely stupid…

1 year ago

Ka Schmoizbrot, but: a Eitrige with on Bugl, a Krokodül and a 16er-Blech.

1 year ago

I better not say anything….

1 year ago

I can’t confirm that. I like to be in Austria

latricolore, UserMod Light
Reply to  Deichgoettin

Me too.

1 year ago

I don’t know myself. I am Austrian myself and hate Austria.

1 year ago

I told you.