Warum sind Ortsschilder so unterschiedlich?
Wer erstellt die Texte auf deutschen Ortsschildern? Warum steht dort manchmal nur die Stadt, manchmal Stadt mit Stadtteil drauf? Wieso steht manchmal erst die Stadt und dann der Stadtteil, manchmal erst der Stadtteil und dann die Bezeichnung “Stadt XY” da drunter? Warum werden Stadt und Stadtteil mal zusammen mit Bindestrich geschrieben, mal aber nicht. Wieso gibt es dort nicht ein einheitliches System, sondern so viel Durcheinander?
The yellow “location signs” ( traffic signs 310 and 311 local boards) are not signs (such as the green local information boards), but traffic signs.
These therefore do not identify municipal boundaries, but rather a “closed village”, which then results in traffic relevance with special traffic regulations according to StVO.
In fact, it is up to the municipalities to decide what text is on the local boards. Usually this is the name of the city/municipal with the addition of the county below.
Design city
Country of origin
If there are several closed localities within a city or municipality, then the addition of the district name makes sense, for example, to distinguish the different closed localities from each other. Whether the district name is smaller than the municipality name or both are connected to a dash, as I said, is a decision of the municipality and often depends on regional language use.
Design city
Place part
Country of origin
Design city district
Country of origin
and especially in large cities where the city is also a county
Place part
city pattern city
(although bullshit to write “Musterstadt / Ortsteil / Stadt Patternstadt”).
Addendum: Regional there can also be other captions. Because the administrative structure is different in the various federal states, there are, for example, velvet communities or association communities in some federal states as a level between municipalities and county. Then this is usually also listed on the local sign.
In addition, there can be additions such as “Kurstadt”, “Universitätsstadt”, “Landeshauptstadt” etc. – this is then the result of individual approval by the traffic supervisory authorities.
One hopes to look more interesting for tourists or travellers when one writes “Kurstadt” or “Hochschulstadt” on the local sign. In fact, hardly anyone in the place makes a (additional) break.
The traffic authority decides what this may be. Not every mayor can decide for himself.
Hello Lucx24!
Of course everything is regulated 🤣:
The plaques can be added, for example, as “city”, “circle city” and “country capital”. The administrative district may also be added if the administrative district deviates from the local name.
Other additions are becoming more and more fashionable: Since Fürth is known to be at the Mississippi and is a university city, it is called a science city, or, although nobody knows 100% whether Goethe was in Knittlingen in the Enzkreis, Fausstadt is still written on it to make more interesting.
Such additives may be approved by the national governments.
https://www.fuerthwiki.de/wiki/index.php?title=Science city&mobileaction=toggle_view_desktop
https://www.ak-kurier.de/akkurier/www/artikel/110445–raiffeisengemeinde-hamm–wie- wird-die-ortsschild-ausseh-
A nameplate is not a traffic sign.
The municipalities decide that alone.
Of course, local signs are also traffic signs (signs 310).
In Appendix 3 to the StVO is also clearly in it.
Nonsense- of course it is a traffic sign.
Very important for drivers.
Can be really expensive when you ignore it
Wrong. The yellow local signs are traffic signs ( traffic signs 310 and 311). Unlike, for example, the green information boards, these are pure information boards without traffic relevance.
Wrong, it’s a traffic sign.
In addition to what has already been said. It can also be that the regulations have simply changed over time. Local signs are not necessarily exchanged every day and it costs money. Thus, if a certain protection against the existence of a rule is so, there can be simply the reason for it. Old signs are allowed to stop. And when you renew, you have to comply with new rules which could lead to another.
Whether this is actually the case now. Of course I don’t know.
I’d say it’s communal.
Sometimes it is just a city in a government district, a district of a city, a city with a communal part and so on.
I also know people. There are also various combinations in the names.
For the road user it is only important whether the sign has been painted red or not. I am very interested in writing.
Sorry: I accidentally came to Button “Not- helpful”.
Your answer is of course helpful!
Sometimes. The buttons are unfavorable when using a smartphone.
; Sometimes the spelling is important because of the students who also read the signs. I remember my school time, we just had the spelling right or wrong with road signs. I could do that quite well and only had my road wrong when testing, you write Köthener Straße. Leipziger Straße, Bernburger Straße. On our road the sign “Köthenerstraße”; So that could not be wrong, but it was just wrong and I had it as a mistake just because of the wrong road sign. So the signs should have the right spelling.
The right way of writing is on the street sign and not in the head of the teacher.
And there are enough streets where the name is written together with the word “street”.
I also live on a co-written street.
Hahaha – that’s my hometown.
After the turn, all GDR street names should be undone.
There were only two problems.
For the first time, people didn’t want to do that and secondly, it failed on a road that was named after an Austrian dictator before their renaming. Oops.
My road has been changed several times, first wide street, then straightening street, after the war then Auenweg!
You’re right, but…
… often street names were forgiven many hundred years ago and another spell was applied.
Since the street name is a name, the spelling is also a name.
For me, the spelling is binding on the sign. But no matter – I have a bad name memory anyway, I forget street names.
There are, however, exact spelling rules, one writes Bauhausstraße, Waldstraße, coast road, Wolfgangstraße, then it is a word, all roads such as Berliners, Köthener, Strasbourger, Wiener etc. are written separately and street or also trails are large-written as new word, names like Wolfgang-Amadeus-Mozart-Straße in four words each with dash, even between names with von are written as follows: These are pure spelling rules that are learned in school and should be correct on the street boards, not as someone writes who has no idea. The teacher is responsible for learning the German language after the dude. I have learned the old spelling and usually write it, but in the spelling of the streets and place names nothing has changed because it is usually also own names.