Warum sind Niederländer so groß?
Es wird gesagt dass sie so groß sind weil sie viel Käse und Milch essen. Ist das wirklich der Grund? Sind dann also Laktose intolerante Leute kleiner? Macht irgendwie wenig Sinn. Manchmal liest man auch dass es einen evolutionären Vorteil hat weil größere Männer eine höhere Chance haben Kinder zu bekommen. Aber warum haben dann ausgerechnet die Niederländer diese Gene entwickelt und viele z.b. Asiaten, die im Schnitt deutlich kleiner sind, nicht? Wäre es für die nicht ebenfalls ein evolutionärer Vorteil?
This comes from the good, yielding soils in the area.
It’s in Germany too. The marsh floors on the coast bring more yield than the sand floors.
There are also sand floors in the interior of the country. For example, Potsdam and Berlin. There people are 2 heads smaller than on the Friesian coast.
I have read that the Dutch are so large, because the Netherlands are still densely populated as Germany and because of the urbanization there the children and young people are exposed to almost constant light. The formation of growth hormones takes place during the day. If the body now thinks it is 24 hours a day, it produces more growth hormones and people become bigger.
This is due to the good sea air and the nutritious cheese.
Body size has to do with genetics and not nutrition
Yes, nutrition plays a major role. In any case, this explains the great difference between the people of the Middle Ages and today.
If you eat milk or spinach now you won’t get bigger
Maybe in the growth phase
But if you eat meat with hormones.
Evolution. The little ones drowned in floods.
… but why are the Montenegrins similar? 😎
Montenegro is also located by the sea…
A high-quality roller belt, pencil and paper are available, next April a cheap flight with a one-week stay…
It would now be clear whether the Montenegrins, who like to walk by the sea, are on average larger or equal, as the Montenegrins, who do not like to do so. I don’t know any reliable statistics.
… but higher out … 😉