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1 month ago

Some people judge quickly because their perception is strongly influenced by stereotypes, experiences or emotions. Often this happens unconsciously – someone sees a person or situation and quickly arranges them into a drawer without taking the time to really look behind the facade.

A common reason for early judgments and even insults is frustration or uncertainty. Some project their own negative feelings to others instead of dealing with their own topics. In addition, social media and rapidity often lead to people less effort to think differently. If you are interested in how perception works, why we often judge in advance and how you do not influence it, here is a blog article: factors-on-the-perception

1 month ago


Each person is the sum of his experiences and automatically acts out of them. In addition, there is what one takes from the experience of other people in information. All in all, it gives this famous drawer memory.

Often it is also the own frustration and the inability to get into the clean with yourself and to prepare his life consciously and successfully. From the outset there is a defensive attitude against other people. Especially against those who are superior to them, who have just been mentioned by me.

It is insulted, abused, etc. without which people give an opportunity to do so and, as you say, do not even want to have anything to do with them. This is often understood as a provocation and acts extra challenging.


1 month ago

Because judging is easier than thinking. And thinking about something can’t all, they just put the premise that they were right.

1 month ago

Man is very unjust

1 month ago

So I’m sorry, such a harsh behavior, I’ve actually seen in big cities mostly from Äusländer .

Most of them in groups and thus all on one

especially young people