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The basic ingredient for the dough is almond flour. Almonds are not as cheap as normal wheat flour, so they are expensive. The price is based on the sum of the raw materials used plus labour costs, energy and personnel costs. Even if things are produced on the conveyor belt, the starting materials are more expensive than by nem normal cookies.
almond grapes
So if I look for recipes then I find common almond flour as almond meal in use. There were also no defining differences between almond flour and almond meal, only that both are somehow the same, but also somehow not that there are deoiled variants, etc…
If you’re trying to make deoiled almond flour (if that wasn’t deoiled I’ve never seen) Macarons, that’s terrible in the pants.
I used to make it out of convenience and because I thought I was very smart.
Remove 3 x by sieve because of the grits with the dust sugar, this is easier! I’m saving the effort. The result was concrete-like, tough fluffings, which were not really dry even after 3 hours in the oven, let alone crisp.
After the regular baking time they were tough, rubbery and very sticky…
So this lesson has made me feel uncomfortable and I’ve learned confectioner. 😉
This is quite cheap for Macarons, almond flour is really expensive, about 10x as expensive as wheat flour.
They are not only expensive, they also taste bloody disgusting. I think things are overrated anyway. Have you ever looked at them with a super good recipe. They’ve been very successful. But taste is nothing special about it. It’s just cute chimneys that trigger an unnecessary hype.
3.99 is still favorable. Buy this fresh one that likes to taste 1.50-2 Euro the piece.
macarons are a lot of work and the ingredients are not cheap. You can try to make yourself.
That’s macarons.
Future Macarons cost more than 4€ the piece, which can be calculated on the basis of the ingredients and the high effort when preparing.
They also taste terrible
Then it’s good that I’ve never bought finished before.
Well, I can. They’re okay, but no comparison to handmade Macarons from good ingredients.
There are also massive differences.
That’s why I always do
They are very expensive to make
If they are high-quality, then they are relatively complicated in production.