Warum sind Leute stolz auf Alkoholkonsum?
Da gibt es doch rein garnichts auf was man stolz sein kann oder?
Da gibt es doch rein garnichts auf was man stolz sein kann oder?
Trotzdem es ja bekannt ist das es dem Körper schadet. Nehmt ihr welche von diesen Alltagsdrogen zu euch ?
Habt ihr schonmal folie geraucht wenn ja was hab ihr gesmoked fenta, crack shore?
Wie schafft man es, dassmeine Kleidung nicht nach Zigaretten riechen? Ich habe sorge, dass es andere als unangenehm aufassen. Ich rauche immer nur abends um das problem zu vermeiden. Wie macht ihr es?
Hallo, Falls jemand 10 Jahre gekifft hat und man nur CBD vor dem schlafen gehen konsumieren will, wie viel Prozent sollen die Blüten lieber mindestens enthalten sein, damit definitiv eine gewisse Wirkung eintretet um gut einzuschlafen. Jemand meinte mal mindestens 15 Prozent in meinem Fall, was sagt ihr?
Hey ich habe innerhalb der letzten 2 Tage 2 Gramm Speed genommen(ich nehme es nicht regelmäßig war das 2. mal in meinem Leben) und wollte fragen wie lange das bei einem Urintest nachweisbar ist?
Hallo Leute , habe Diabetes Typ 1 was kann passieren wenn man auf Speed eine unterzuckerung hat ?
Well, legitimate question. Some are proud that they are drinking one and a half bottles without having the eyelashes empty, others are proud to have never drank a drop. Or: Some people form a lot on their criminal records, others are proud to have never had to do with the judiciary. Why is that? And you, dear questioner? Do you have anything you’re proud of? In any case, I wouldn’t mind referring to myself.
Because you just need to be proud to be proud of something. The reasons are only luxury to justify yourself. But you can do something without reason.
If people need recognition, use everything you can to be proud. You can be proud of the crazy things as long as you’re in a group that’s impressed by it. If it is an unwritten rule in the circle of friends that a lot of alcohol consumption is extremely impressive, then people brag about it.
The thinking of an alcoholic cannot understand a person who does not have this disease.
Well, they may have nothing else. Just a few.
The ones give to others like a lot of girls they had, the next ones like a lot of muscles they have and quite another how much their tuning cost in the car.
There are different people and everyone else is important what you and I think is totally unimportant.
I’m sure you have things you’re proud of.
Proud is the justification for alcohol consumption before oneself.
Well, today’s youth is often about the wrong values.
Alcohol consumption among young people has been falling for decades, but we do not want to start with facts!
Well, look here for the group 15-20 years https://de.statista.com/statistic/data/studie/73745/umfrage/im-krankenhaus-treated-faelle-von-alcohol abuse/
However, the problem is not the youth “of today”
https://de.statista.com/statistic/data/studie/6257/request/participation of young people with small alcohol consumption/
More proud or to be able to imagine something
Something about drinking strength
The brains are already damaged…