Warum sind Frauen so unfassbar unlustig?
Hab letztens mehrere Ausschnitte von weiblichen Comedians angesehen und hab wirklich Gänsehaut bekommen und musste aus Scham abschalten. Nun schaue ich “Das Duell um die Geld” von Joko&Klaas und kann diese Folge einfach nicht genießen, weil diese Sophie Passmann durchgehend mit schlechten unlustigen Sprüchen abfucked. Und auch in Alltag merkt man, dass Frauen irgendwie nie lustig sind. Warum ist das so? Vielleicht gibt es irgendwo auf Muttererde eine Frau die lustig ist aber noch nie habe ich das erleben dürfen.
It could be that girls have more depth and you don’t understand it.
Sometimes you have to be able to think around the corner of others’ humour and know what he is referring to before you can laugh…. or even think first.
humour – of which there are sooo many species, but therefore to say All Women are unlustful, that goes too far.
This is not generalized – you have a different sense of humor than them!
There are funny women. But on the TV you find less and less, you can’t tick any more. Also Joko and Klass are not funny. Better silly.
Strange, I often find male comedians unlusty. The Marian trench of the low point is this year or Gahr, I can and will not remember the name.
On the other hand, I remember every single time a woman really made me laugh
Remember me every single time.
Monika Grube, Lisa Eckhart, ilka bessin as Cindy from Marzahn, Mirja boes, partly the Kebekus.
There are some. By the what is Klaas in my eyes completely humor-free, he is just embarrassing
Success doesn’t come by itself. Joko and Klaas lead Germany with the biggest TV shows and have inconceivably great success due to their sympathy and humor.
Many aforementioned names are known by the acting. And of course there are female comedians but they are by far not as successful as male. Otto Waalkes, Kaya Yanar, Chris Tall, Tedros are faces everyone has seen before.
Well, the crowd doesn’t make it. This year or Gahr??, the Berlin stop, fills stages and is only disgusting.
Humor is very different… for example, you mention Joko&Klaas! I personally find it absolutely unlustful! Can’t do to me their vows and actions! When I see them, I’ll keep going… the two find super annoying!
Just as bad are Oliver Pocher and Co! o
And women in everyday life: so my wife is, for example, very funny – we also laugh a lot together! We have the same humor!
Humor is a very personal sensation that depends on education, character and your environment.
I don’t think that humor is gender dependent.
I can definitely imagine you’re 1. Male, 2. young, 3. have not yet made enough comparisons of comedians and 4. still know too few women…
In your life, you will certainly encounter funny women.
Maybe I will make this extremely rare discovery 😉
Have a lot of time!
comedians generally find me less funny, with me in a majority male negative.
otherwise I find women in the cut more funny.
that you don’t think she’s funny is probably because you have another humor.
There are many good comedians and the feedback is also very positive. The mood is good, all laugh, etc. But for female comedians, the room is pure silence. Hmm I see a pattern
Can it be that you generally have a women’s problem?
Of course, otherwise there would be no
also the humorless?
I love women without it being difficult
I generally find so comedians really unpleasant and unlusty, would also get gänsehaut from shame
The vast majority of comedians in the somewhat bizarre German-speaking comedy landscape (many of them call themselves cabaretists or Satirikers, what is mocking any description) are extremely unlustful. Men and women alike.
lg up
Then why is the room so quiet for female comedians? Why are there so much less female comedians who are successful? Why do female comedians get more bad feedback? Why does no female comedians know, but as well as everyone knows male?
On all this detail my point of view is missing the time. If you want answers to these questions, you can best formulate a new question. Because everything has nothing to do with your original question.
they are. A lot, but they usually don’t have this thigh-pit and scald humor that seems to please you.
Of course it has If women are not less fun than men, as everyone claims here, why are there no funny female comedians? Relationship is pretty clear
Comedians are generally simply unlusty
Sam Hyde (Ghost of Kiev) is funny
Could also be that men find jokes by women automatically unlustered.
Because they are more unlusty
If a woman and a man told you the same joke, you would react differently even if the joke is good
That’s right.
But there it is wrong to say that no woman can
It also depends very much on how to get the joke over.
1. You know the wrong women. 😉
Two. You have another humor.
3. Since when are there good comedians?
HHzm, I humor you
Women suffer from menstruation. That’s why they have nothing to laugh.