Warum sind Disney Fortsetzungen so schlecht?

Erst mal frohe Weihnachten miteinander ;D

Der erste Teil eines Disney Films sind meistens absolute Meisterwerke, aber warum packen sie es nicht (oder meistens nicht) eine gute Fortsetzung zum 1. Teil zu machen..?

Nehmen wir mal: Arielle 2, Dschungelbuch 2, Ein Königreich für ein lama 2, Mulan 2.. ect. habe ich alle gesehen und den 1. Teil gefeiert, aber war enttäuscht von diesen Fortsetzungen.

Neulich habe ich “Vaiana 2” gesehen wo ich auch den 1. Teil sehr gefeiert habe, aber war jetzt wieder enttäuscht..

Von ein so großes Studio, mit so viel Geld und hochqualifizierten Mitarbeiter sollte man doch eine gute Fortsetzung erwarten dürfen.. oder?

Seid ihr auch meiner Meinung?

Danke 😀

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3 months ago

Many continuations were mostly produced only for the DVD market. Costing less. This is what you can tell the films. Often, thanks to the success of the predecessor, you wanted to get some more cash out of the brand. Most of the first films had a completed story. The films are not made for a continuation

But there were also plenty of good continuations. Cars 2, Find Dorie, The Unbelievables 2 and so on. However, the studios are mostly about cash. If a movie brings good play results, the reviews are usually no matter what.

The last Fast and Furious movies were just bad, for example. Unfortunately, there are plenty of people who still go to the movie and sometimes, why ever even celebrate. So the studio continues. Put less effort in. But still get their money. I know it’s not a movie of Disney, but it’s exactly what they’re doing right now.

Star Wars! belongs to Disney. Currently just scrap (up to a few exceptions)… But it took good money. But it slowly begins to the Disney doesn’t notice coming far. The performances were getting worse and worse. And the bad reviews are always louder. Also at Marvel, the MCU (which is also part of Disney). For example, they bring Robert Downey Jr. back. But if that’s enough?…

Money makes you blind. Especially such studios. Unfortunately you don’t know an end… If you try something new, the playback results are unfortunately also rather low. Unfortunately also for good films. Because we spectators usually have difficulty getting into something new. We spectators are partly due.

3 months ago

So I agree, of course. But then I think again of Findt Dorie, Ralph Reichts 2 Chaos in the Net or Cars 2 or Cars 3.

I think these are more than assertive continuations and at least as good as the first part. I even think Ralph is enough and Findt Dorie are even better than the first part.

I also remember The Incredibles – The Incredibles. I found the second part a little better.

3 months ago

This is partly due to our own expectations. You have seen the first part by then mostly not only once. You know the figures, their voices, their marotts. You’ve already thought what would be if it were going on like that. Now a new story comes in the 2nd part, invented by someone to keep the flair, to entertain more feeling, to bring more action, more humor into it, and thus to meet the nerve of millions of film fans. It’s difficult. Very often a new team, new director. We are so fast saturated by the feasible that we want more on the one hand, on the other hand, to maintain the feeling of the old. Both of them. It’s like in life, nothing comes as you like. You have also become older, continued in your development, have seen many stories and have become more critical, too right. Sure, some sequels are bad, the spectator is said to be stupid, bringing the story to the hair, main thing profit. For me, film is also a high art, whether pure entertainment or a serious subject. There are not so many directors and scriptwriters that are really good. They mostly work on new projects. You slide quickly into the BMovie area with continuations. There are other reasons. You too happy party!!

3 months ago

The problem is that the first part usually closes with a happy ending and dissolves all the windings. There are no building points for continuations.

2 months ago

Continued films are as good as ever worse than the first part. Where in many of the second ones it is still okay from 3 usually already bad from 4 anyway. The ideas go out. Zb star wars etc

At Terminator, Mission impossible, Indiana Jones, The Fast and the Furious, ICE Age, the wild guys, Karate Tiger, John Wick, the white shark, the curse of the Caribbean, the only to house movies, X mrm and other marvel films with too many parts and many others, it will eventually just be grottenschlecht. Involuntary trash.

3 months ago

The 1st part is a major project in which much effort, work and reflection are put. The 2nd part is just a tired chase with which a little more money is to be earned.