Warum sind die Leute in diesen Regionen in DE unterschiedlich?

Ich habe in Deutschland in den Bundesländer : Bayern (Ursprung) von Anfang an gelebt, danach irgendwann nach Nordrhein-Westfalen verzogen.

Und die Städten in den NRW wie Bottrop, Gladbeck, Düsseldorf. Waren die Leute zur mir noch Unfreundlicher und nicht erwünscht also besser gesagt also verachtender.

In BY waren die Leute egal wer, Einwohner mehr freundlicher, und hilfsreicher.

Warum sind die Einwohner in dessen Bundesländern eigentlich unterschiedlich? Obwohl die beiden im selben Land liegen.


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3 months ago

This has nothing to do with you, people are different everywhere.

3 months ago

This is exactly the case in other countries. A North French also has a problem with his countrymen at the Cote azur.

Scots and English don’t even understand each other.

3 months ago

in principle, everyone is different. you will find in bayern as unfriendly people as you find in nrw friendlye. always depends on how to deal with people and on which day certain people are encountered.

otherwise… social environment, how you grew up – all this contributes to the character, and of course people by region are also different – also from the language. dialecte also many different

3 months ago

So, according to your logic, people should always be equally friendly because they live in the same country? We’re over 80 million in Germany… there’s enough room for individuality, right?

3 months ago
Reply to  AliHalacoBY

And you think this has something to do with the federal state.

Why not with people’s hair colors? Or with her age, gender, her skin color?

A person is far too complex when his behaviour can be determined exclusively on the basis of his origin/his appearance/etc.