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3 years ago

BMW Thanks to a motorcycle sales of around 26,700 units in 2021, number one remains on the motorcycle market in Germany. In the previous year, Münchner also sold around 26,700 motorcycles on the German market. Honda and three are located on the two and three squares.
KTM. manufacturer-in-germany-nach-fahrzeugabsatz/

So your claim is only hot air.

3 years ago

The Japanese have their very good value for money. The Z900 has been in second place in recent years. You get a really good motorcycle for relatively little money.

3 years ago


The Japanese are those who reinvented the motorcycle, at the beginning of the 1960s.

Until that time, motorcycles in Europe were commercial vehicles, which were used for the work journey and, at most, with the sidecar for the family. At the beginning of the 1960s cars became cheaper and it looked like the motorcycles died.

I have a magazine “Hobby” from the early 1960s. One imported and tested a Honda Twin from the USA (in Europe they were still available). She had over 30 hp and hobby wrote as a conclusion:

This Honda is undoubtedly the Porsche among the motorcycles. However, Honda will not be able to save the motorcycle, it dies out.

The Japanese have done the same with the scooters. I remember how enthusiastic my mates were when they were able to drive the new 125 scooters of Yamaha with Variomatik sample at the beginning of the 1980s.

How to fool yourself!


3 years ago

Not only for motorcycles, including cars/hybrides and hydrogen vehicles (Toyota), engines (Honda), vehicles with all-wheel drive (Subaru), air conditioning (Mitsubishi)