Warum sind die ausgedruckten Bilder so unscharf?
Habe ein super Foto gemacht,komplett scharf,hohe Qualität und trotzdem sind die nach dem ausdrucken bei Rossm… sowas von unscharf und verpixelt
Warum ist das so und wie kann ich das ändern?
Die Verkäuferin wusste auch nicht weiter
In the resolution it should not be a problem to print the photo sharply up to formats of ~13.5×10 inch or 35×25 cm.
Problem is probably less related to the AI function of the phone than to the DPI of the photo. The DPI indicates to the printer how many image pixels it should print per inch. If a value of 72 dpi is specified by default, this can lead to such pixelation and the image then gets printed a light mosaic effect. About this:
Check and change the DPI, for example, in the online photoshop Klon
Photopea | Online Photo Editor
Open image there, then on the menu Image and Image size choose. Or press Strg+Alt+I. It opens up a popup where the DPI stands in. If there’s a value smaller than 300, that’s your problem. Change the value to 300 and remove the hook at “Redissolve”. Press okay and then save the picture.
That should solve the problem.
Yeah, that’s exactly what I meant on a website, but I couldn’t explain it as well as you.
Thanks I tried the page and could change the DPI. How to save the changed image?
If I store it as PDF, I can’t see it in the gallery.
I wanted to thank you again. With the website you linked, I have changed the DPI of images to 300 as you explained and have them printed online. now they are as sharp as photographed 👍🏻
Okay super thank you
Save as photo, so jpg
a photo in the format 10 x 13 should be possible.
I can’t find a picture with garbage dump trucks.
Try it here http://www.pixum.de. They’ll tell you if the quality in the desired size is still good.
Thanks for the link.
This is a shed for the garden furniture in the background 😉
After uploading there the jelly is bad, how do you change that?
The quality is created when photographing. So you have to change something before. Choose a smaller format
This page is not good you recommended.Google sent me a warning
Pixum has been there for years. What exactly warns you about?
That this connection is not safe
I found the solution
Unfortunately, this has not answered my question.
I’ve read through the whole page, but how much on that the photos were mainly pixelated in the preview of the people but then good in the print. With me it was different with me after printing it was pixelated and not before.
But I’ve just researched the subject myself and found that camera settings with artificial intelligence should be kept best.
The other I found a good website that converts the uploaded image into the desired formats so that it is on the rossma… App now no longer gives a problem.
Although my question was not really answered, by Google I found out that it has something to do with the size, I can’t explain, but I don’t have to say that, yes, I am the questioner. 😉
Did you make them with your phone or did someone send you that?
I had no problems with dm, except for pictures that had no good quality anyway.
Were all pictures equally bad?
Yeah, I took them on the phone. Couldn’t change and now there are no problems in the rossmann app. I ordered you online now and there’s a green badge.
I’m smarter in two days.
Yes I used to have had problems on my old phone but it was probably due to the bad quality. I have a new phone with very good camera for about 4 weeks and that was the first time I tried to print a photo. That was the only one.
I have to wait until I get the retrieval confirmation and then I see if it has become or not
What do you mean to change that?
then I press the thumbs that this has worked so
Unfortunately, I don’t know that I found a website that improves the pictures. Before that, I think about 5 MB were with you otherwise only 0.8 if I insert the converted image into the rossmann app and then the green comes! How to convert I do not know that it is online today improved or so