Warum sind deutsche Filme immer so schlecht?
Es gibt natürlich ausnahmen wie Sonne und Beton, Honig im Kopf und Im Westen nichts neues.
Aber die meisten deutschen Filme sind Liebeskomödien mit ganz ganz viel cringe.
Warum ist das so?
Es gibt natürlich ausnahmen wie Sonne und Beton, Honig im Kopf und Im Westen nichts neues.
Aber die meisten deutschen Filme sind Liebeskomödien mit ganz ganz viel cringe.
Warum ist das so?
Ich wollte den Film demnächst endlich mal nachholen und da auf meiner Blu Ray beide Fassungen oben sind, habe ich mich gefragt welche sich da mehr empfiehlt.
Ich möchte mir noch mal die Saw Filme schauen aber ich weiß nicht, ob es eine bestimmte Reihenfolge gibt usw. weiß, wer wie man die schauen muss?
Ich will unbedingt gerne mal ein komparsen job machen z.b bei woodwalkers habe aber gesehen dass das Casting schon vorbei ist wisst ihr wann für Teil 3 komparsen gesucht werden?
habe das gelesen , kann das jemand bestätigen?
I personally find German films also mostly terrible. On the one hand, I think it is due to the limited budget in the German film industry, causing complex projects rarely to stand. In addition, German humor (in my eyes) is usually very unpleasant, which often makes a movie unsympathetic to me. In addition, the German industry has a much lower affinity for the film industry, as other countries like America or Japan have, German films have always been there, but did not have such an international upswing as English blockbusters or Japanese animation films and series.
You don’t really need a lot of budget to tell good stories. Sun and concrete had only a budget of 920.000 euros. What really nich much is but it is enough to turn a good movie completely. And yes sun jnd concrete has humor but it is not that unpleasant humor of all Manta Manta Zwoter. It’s this one on the french humor that’s sitting. There is no dramatic scene now with nem gag broken. It’s just generically well placed humor.
Of course, you don’t need much budget to turn good movies, but the current Usus in the film industry is unfortunately “if expensive is also good”, see Disney or current horror movies. In the past, very few films had a good budget and many classics were created. But I don’t think Germany is going to be a film country so fast, so we don’t do too much.
I find out from Germany to get more films in the mach art like sun and concrete or Arthouse films of all A24. It is also supposed to come this year a horror film from Germany, home sweet home that has dchonmal good kritiken.
I don’t think so. For that Germany has no big film production companies and therefore little capital, I find some films really exciting.
My top German movies:
Fak ju göthe all parts, cold feet, WHO at I, nanny, concrete noise,