Warum sind aufeinmal jeden Tag Kontrolleure in der Bahn?
Ich fahre seit Jahren mit der Bahn und mir ist aufgefallen das seit ein paar Monaten jedesmal Kontrolleure sind und die Fahrscheine auch mit Ausweis kontrollieren. Früher gab es morgens früh vielleicht ein mal im Monat eine Fahrscheinkontrolle wenn überhaupt und dann auch ohne Ausweis. Ist etwas vorgefallen das es aufeinmal so ist weiss das jemand?
An example from my region:
Last December, some lines of small diesel trains were converted to newer electric trains, which the transport network has negotiated a new contract. Until last autumn, the tickets were only checked in a random manner, but since December, our traffic network has been writing a quota of trains in which ticket control must take place. Since then, the number of controls has increased significantly.
It may be similar to you.
Very simply Trans Regio has had a new transport contract since December, which stipulates that every train must be a train companion, unfortunately this is not yet the case, but yes, so normally there is always who.
PS I’ve got an early shift all month and I’ve got to get out here now
Hahahaah maybe you can see yourself really crazy, drive since I’m 12 and now 10 years later I’m really experiencing this at JEDER’s drive there is a controller!
Is that what’s up with the ID? Previously not so strict
No, it had to be done earlier, but no one had Bock. Still making a break… But since the new transport agreement, we have been more strictly controlled by the clients.
The demands of the GdL have to be paid by something.
Sounds logical what you write…..then will surely be used with the airlines to meet the demands of the ground personnel.
It’s time. I don’t know anyone who’s ever seen a fly card controller on the plane.
As it was said,