Warum sind Amerikaner so vorsichtig?
Ich bin seit September in Amerika (Auslandsjahr). Meine Gastfamilie ist extrem vorsichtig aber auch andere Amerikaner die ich bereits kennen gelernt habe sind auch sehr sicherheitsbewusst. Zum Beispiel darf ich nicht Fahrradfahren um mich mit Freunden in der Mall etc treffen zu können. Logischerweise können mich meine Gasteltern auch nicht ständig fahren. Bei Freunden im Auto darf ich auch nicht mitfahren. Baden gehen darf ich nur wenn ein Erwachsener dabei ist etc. By the way bin ich 15. Am Handy muss ich eine App haben wo sie immer sehen können wo ich bin.
Mir ist schon klar das ich mich an die Regeln der Gastfamilie halten muss aber soviele? Letztens wollte ich den Rasen im Garten mähen aber ich darf keine motorisierten Fahrzeuge fahren. Ist das in Amerika normal das die alle so ängstlich sind?
It’s just a country where there are many weapons, many gangs, etc.
For us there is a completely different kind of freedom and self-employment as a child/young person, there it would be too insecure to all, and if what happens, parents would also threaten high punishments because they would have violated their duty of supervision in their view.
Things like cycling, walking somewhere, etc. there is quite untypical, there are enough Americans who drive themselves 500m to the next car shop and need parking and co. if necessary longer than if they had just run it. Or two malls, separated from each other by the road, you go back to the parking lot, park the car to the other mall, instead of just walking back and forth over the street. Thus, their mentality, everything else is considered rather abnormal and strange.
Since I know how easy and with how little driving practice you get the driver’s license there, I wouldn’t let you take a good conscience with the drivers. Apart from whether you think people with 16 are already mature enough to drive alone.
This must not be allowed to swim alone, on the one hand, has legal reasons, on the other hand, many Americans cannot or cannot swim safely. But still go into the water, totally creepy.
Last seen in Mexico, US American, up to the chest in the sea, came a slightly higher wave, which no longer had ground contact and directly panic. Especially since the wave dragged her out something, so she didn’t have any more. Was a few meters next and helped her directly, but very clearly but nice and politely said that if she can’t swim, she can never get so deep into the water that this is dangerous to life. Just up to the hip and even that only if small waves. Otherwise only to the knee. She only looked at me annoyingly after the teaching, after that she was annoyed with her girlfriend about me. When I lay in the sun a little later on the beach, I listen to her panically calling for help. Back too deep inside and nobody could help. The bathmaster then granted her bathing ban, said if she went to the water again, they fly out completely (private beach) that she had already seen my rescue from it (for safety had already come to us if I had not helped or had not known how, so she had heard my clues too). Did she smell it loudly, didn’t keep track of it as we left shortly after.
And such behavior we have experienced with US tourists more often, if not forbidden, things are done that are actually against common sense. Partly even with the argument “if it were dangerous, it would be forbidden.”
Okay, thanks. I mean I’ve known in advance that all are very safety-conscious but that’s how far I have to sit with my hospiters in the car in the child seat with shoulder straps is already crass with 15 years. my hossister also sits in the child seat but this is also only 8
Yeah, that’s it.
In other things, however, they are the exact opposite when it comes to weapons or to let immature people drive alone with little experience.
You just have other standards, which is normal.
ok press it already very much and also the buckle between the bein presses on the genitals unfortunately
Sit tight yes, press tightly no.
obvious thanks
just because of the shoulder strap. I had no such thing as a child. must they be so firm? I can’t move at all and partly presses it strong
It’s a strange country.
It can be slippery if it’s wet. After rain gamers can be wet. Its slippery when wet and similar you read there all the time and everywhere.
Fear of complaining and shooting.
that’s true. I’ve been aware of this, but so extreme? in the car of my host family I sit in a child seat with shoulder straps and that with 15
I wouldn’t describe it as fearfulness, but rather justified caution and they just comply with their duty of care so that nothing happens to you. If something would happen, this would have consequences other than in Germany.
You’re only 15, and you’re still in a foreign country, and because it’s not your own parents, take care of yourself again. Not for fear or concern, but their part helps you get back home.
ok I can understand this up to a certain degree but that I have to sit in the car in a child seat with shoulder straps too?
This is exaggerated on the one hand, on the other hand, even that can understand. At least with a view to theDriving skills“The Americans who are anything but good. Doesn’t apply to everyone, yet completely different conditions than in Europe.
Even if it bothers you or find it annoying, it can also see positive. Better be in good, caring hands than vice versa. Just do the fun with and after home have some funny anecdotes you can tell.
Okay, thanks. if at least they would not pull the belt so tightly. these shoulder straps do not give up like the normal strap and that presses very
You’re still a child, especially in the USA. It is only 21 years old. And your host parents have the responsibility for you while you’re there.
yes, yes, I have to sit in a child seat with shoulder straps in my car. is that normal?
I haven’t heard that. But their cars are also often significantly larger, so that you’re seated on the normal seat, probably wouldn’t have a stop at all.
it is already a big van but the car seats are not much bigger. so a child seat with shoulder straps with 15 years has already surprised me
Yes, some amis are really exaggerated and are afraid of everything and everyone.
Why is that so? does that have a reason? I also have to sit in the car in the child seat with shoulder straps
I can’t say 100%. Maybe they’re afraid of horrifying claims for damages if what would happen.
Okay. in the car I have to sit in a child seat with shoulder straps
Safety first.
In Germany, however, I would handle a ‘guest child’.
ok would you put a 15-year-old in a child seat with shoulder straps?
But buckle and headrest already.
I didn’t know.
As DerHans mentioned…
Other provisions and liability amounts apply there.
Yeah. I have to sit in such a child seat and so I can’t drive with friends in the car
Would be a good discussion with your host family.
Cycling as far as I know, I’m not so widespread in USA. This can be a cultural thing, for example. With the tracker, even in Germany, more and more are common with parents.
What do you mean, cultural thing?
The fact that, depending on the state of the country, roads are not properly developed for cyclists and that there is no consideration for the car drivers, as one knows from Germany.
okay, there’s no bike paths here. in the car of my host family I sit in a child seat with shoulder straps and that with 15
Once again the shoulder strap fetish? I feel so strange about the question. You used to come with the belt. Now only in the first comment of the answers.
Straps and protectors and helmets and child seats:
They take their responsibility seriously. And they know what sums they can be sued in the United States if something happens to you.
but also that I have to sit in a child seat with shoulder straps in the car?
A child seat is more dangerous for a child over 14.
In a child’s seat, there is not enough room for an adolescent.
so first my parents have a van and the cars there are very big. I don’t have the same child seat as my sister
There is no room for larger children/adults.
I was wondering. I have a little hospitable that sits in the child’s seat. but they have a 2nd child seat for older
Someone has to explain that to them. or is this child seat actually for their own child?
That’s what I thought
Well, they’re responsible for you. What do you think they’ll get for a huge trouble if anything happens to you? Besides, America is not as safe as Germany
but is something exaggerated or not? in the car of my host family I sit in a child seat with shoulder straps with 15
You said they had a very big car. And you fit in the seat. Are you sure this is a child seat?
sorry not mean evil
How can I know I’ve never seen this thing before?
I don’t know. it is not the right car seat but a seat on the seat and just a 5 point belt. just like in a child’s seat.