Warum sind Amerikaner so reich?
Jeder 10. Amerikaner ist Millionär. 39,1% aller Millionäre leben in den USA. Quelle
Liegt es vielleicht an der Freiheit und dem Kapitalismus? 🇺🇸
Jeder 10. Amerikaner ist Millionär. 39,1% aller Millionäre leben in den USA. Quelle
Liegt es vielleicht an der Freiheit und dem Kapitalismus? 🇺🇸
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Hallo zusammen, gerade wurde um 14:30 die Inflation in den USA bekannt gegeben. Diese ist niedriger als erwartet. Der Gold Preis ist gestiegen. Ich dachte wenn die Inflation niedriger ist als erwartet, dann ist der USD stark und Leute ziehen ihr Geld aus Gold und investieren in USD. Wo ist mein Denkfehler? Danke im Voraus
Ich muss das gleich abgeben
Wir sparen es dann halt weiter an, werden es mal vererben oder vorzeitig den Kindern übertragen.
Through capitalism and the comparatively free market economy. Capitalism naturally creates prosperity and it is better for all social strata in capitalism than in any other economic form. Regulatory and nationalization, on the other hand, destroy prosperity. Socialism and communism, for example, always ensure a massive reduction in living standards and quality of life, poverty in large sections of the population and a tiny elite of stone-rich tyrants.
Capitalism and social imbalance are likely to ensure that some people are very rich and disproportionately many people are very poor.
In the United States, talent is appreciated while in Europe it is rather impediable. Left would prefer to reorder talents into the socialist equatorial queue – because of “solidarity”.
Who can do something in America has good chances of getting rich…
This statement is not quite correct, for example, the United States is very bad about poverty. In addition, the distribution of wealth and income is not very uniform.
The United States is not on the road to freedom in the absolute top group. But one can see a connection between prosperity and freedom.
But capitalism does not dedicate itself to creating prosperity. He explains inequality and poverty, but it must be borne in mind that the United States is not one of the most capitalist states in the world, but rather in the other half. This is probably more a reason for prosperity: that capitalism is no longer as strong in the USA.
It was only 5 centuries ago that Europeans settled the continent.
Today, half as many people live on an approximately equal footing as in Europe. If we take Canada, the population density compared to Europe is only about 1/4. It is still the “land of unlimited possibilities”.
In addition, there are many resources in a more balanced climate. Erdoel, natural gas, coal, soil treasure, gold, etc.
That’s what I see. There are many control bodies in the USA, but for innovative ideas the doors are open! You can simply taste it and then you might get a start! The amies are simpler than we Europeans, especially the Germans who are very obscure
Few people have a large part of the money, while millions of people live in tents and are drug addicts and in prisons the inmates have to do hard work for cents.
Unlike Germany, there is no forced labour in the US for prison occupants.
every 10. – I don’t laugh
every 10th American should be millionaire? that’s wrong. these dates come from the now insolvent bank Credit Suisse so why do you think so?
A million dollars is not wealth, a small house and a small stock deposit ..
I think there are difficult to assess figures that play a role. Sometimes families or households are considered, sometimes individuals. In Germany, pension claims and pension claims are not counted, in the United States the pensions are made up of stock depots and bank assets. And valuables such as art objects, cars, precious metals are also difficult to grasp. Illegal assets anyway. So the number of Millonary households will also be higher in real terms, so the 3.9% in the Wiki table.
well, if the “love” employees of Credit Suisse could have expected the bank would not be insolvent