Warum sind Airbus und Boing nicht Insolvent?

Durch die Sanktionen sind ein Großteil der Flüge weg gefallen, es werden weniger Ersatzeile verkauft und die geleasten Flugzeuge müssten eigentlich den Markt an gebrauchten Flugzeugen überschwemmen.

Die Leasingfirmen müssten sich eigentlich dran verschlucken und den Bach runter gehen.

Es müssten Milliarden von Dollar sein die gerade im Flugzeugmarkt in Rauch aufgegangen sind.

Das ganze müsste sich eigentlich auch in den Absatzzahlen der Flugzeugbauer wiederspiegeln.

Aber man hört nichts davon, dass Boing oder Airbus irgendwelche Probleme hätten…

Wie geht das?

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3 years ago

Because the Airbus and Boeing business doesn’t work as you imagine. New aircraft are ordered and after that a flight line can wait years for them to come to a waiting list. With spare parts, the two earn no money as they screw the aircraft together but are not the manufacturers of the components, these are all extra companies such as General Electric, Rolce Roce etc.

To the business of the two,

bsp Airbus is developing a new aircraft. Interessed airlines confirm a purchase intention and where first order is also the new aircraft. All others must be patient until their order is processed. If an Airline Pleite goes in the meantime, the order is due but the aircraft are still being built and sold to another airline that can advance in the waiting list. Both manufacturers, Boeing and Airbus are so full of order books that it does not matter whether some customers are still broke or sanctions have been taken against them.

For example, Airbus has cancelled the purchase agreement with Qatar Airways of 40 Airbus A320Neo, because these airlines are in dispute. This means Airbus has such a power that they can knock their own customers on the door. The 40 Airbus for Qatar Airways are simply going to other Airbus customers and they are happy because they get more modern aircraft faster.

3 years ago
Reply to  SebastianS483

very beautiful and detailed

3 years ago

Airbus Space and Defense are always a success.

Boing is America’s Finest. There’s nothing wrong.