Warum sieht man eine Krise mit 4,7 Prozent Wachstum?

Wenn China wie zuletzt “nur” noch mit 4,7% wächst , sieht man eine satte Wirtschaftskrise. Wenn Deutschland dagegen mit mageren 0,3% wächst, sieht man einen immensen Boom. Warum ist das so? Wirtschaftsjournalismus wird offenbar immer mehr zum Bullshitjournalismus.

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7 months ago

It’s not really a crisis. She’s not here to make the government bad. Soon there are elections – and most media are on the side of the conservatives. The fact that they also make extreme voices of voters is obviously not so bad. Because they are still in the minority.

Right now, we’re fine. We have also overcome some crises well.

The government has made some tactical mistakes (Heizungsgesetz not properly communicated) and shot itself in the knee.

There are still a few very urgent construction sites: housing market, bringing more people to work, defense. This is a lot of work that a new government and no state government can do alone.

7 months ago

It depends on the deviation between target and actual values – the crisis begins when the analysts are afraid of their assets. We have a serious crisis, not only in absolute figures, but in any case in relation to competitors.

7 months ago

You need to see the level that’s starting… The absolute comparison of percentages does not say anything.

Only as an example: if you have 4000€ and get 0.3% more.

Or you only have 100€ and get 4% more..

7 months ago
Reply to  ManuelPalmer

Recree this per person. Think about it again.

7 months ago

You compared 1.4 billion! People with 80 million?? And with an industrial history that just lasts 40 years… from an extremely low level?? Is it clear if I give someone with 100 DM monthly wages 10% more than someone who gets 1500 DM 10 percent? On the one hand, the 10 DM is, in the case of the other, 150DM. And so more than the first one has at all available. You have to see the conditions. Absolute numbers are absolute bullshit!!

By the way, I’ve chosen DM, because we don’t have the euro for so long.

7 months ago

Then again compared to the cost of living and already the difference is not even so great