Warum sieht in der Herr der Ringe, der Ring der Macht so langweilig aus?
Nun seit ich die Filme von der Herr der Ringe gesehen habe frage ich mich folgendes warum sieht der Ring der Macht in vergleich zu den anderen Ringen so unglaublich Plump aus. Ich meine schaut man sich mal die Ringe der Elben an. Die besitzen alle ein unglaubliches Designe und sind mit den schönste Edelsteinen verziert. für mich ist das ne klare Logik Lücke in der Herr der Ringe. Ich kann mir beim besten Willen nicht vorstellen das Sauron ausgerechnet den Ring der ihm an wichtigsten ist so plump gestaltet ich meine das ist bloß ein Schnöder Goldring mit ner Gravur. Ich glaube in echt hätte Sauron den einen Ring als den schönsten Ring von allen gefertigt
We’re talking about the Dark Ruler and not Harald Glöckler. 😉
Chalebrimbor is an artist. And he certainly wanted to create something of great beauty with the Elbe rings that flatters the grace of the Elbes. I’m curious how his next rings will look.
Sauron, on the other hand, is probably more pragmatics and likes it simply and functionally. Who wants to go into the battle with a giant clunker, with which you keep hanging on the armor and finally hurt yourself?
Apart from that, Sauron only shows good taste when it comes to manipulating others, which is no longer necessary with one ring.
Last but not least: I like this ring much better than the others. It’s a matter of opinion.
The ring of power is no jewelry in the real sense. It is simple and inconspicuous and serves as the center of its power. Since the ring has been forged and inserted in the secret, it is only logical that it is an inconspicuous piece that does not appear any further and not as the one ring jumps into the eye of everyone who runs past it at 100m 😀
Okay, that seems to me Logic 🙂
I’d see that.
True power does not appear at the prunk.
He’s not an elephant and doesn’t need an eye-catching ring if it’s powerful.
but he certainly also has a craft claim to himself. I don’t know the Lore well now, but Sauron doesn’t even serve the Malah of the craftsmen
Also in the book the ring was described as simple and inconspicuous, i.e. without precious stones, if I really mind.
He has learned a lot from Aule, but what is he supposed to make an optically beautiful ring when he is more powerful than all others?
Generally, new films are usually not good. I don’t know if the end user wants too much. Or whether it’s really so trashy.
If you look at Star Wars, for example, the vengeance of the Sith and today’s newer films, it’s like that for me: In the old part they thought they were in another universe. In these days, it looks like they turned him into Thailand.
He means the original Lord of the Rings Trilogy, what new filming?