Warum setzen sich die Leute in der U-Bahn nicht hin?
Also wenn ich zur Uni fahre muss ich leider eine Station mit der U-Bahn fahren, wenn alle reingehen bleiben sie alle stehen anstatt sich hinzusetzen sollte ich das lieber auch machen? die Sitzplätze sehen jetzt nicht besonders Ekelhaft aus.
No matter which seat you should take, you can always assume that the seats are contaminated, no matter what or who.
(There are people who have to touch alleees with their hands and from where to know what the person or the person has already touched everything before and how hygienic someone is, you don’t look at the most, unless you meet people who look or smells are extremely unhygienic) and of course you don’t look at a person whether it’s now someone of the type “I-wash-mir-gone.”
The fact that the seats do not seem disgusting to you is a purely objective (Fehl) assessment, because how the truth really looks, one would only know if one had the opportunity to examine the wagons, without the public transport, with laboratory tools and to take some samples. The end result would certainly give you thought and then you would certainly also perceive the appearance of the seats quite differently.
There are people who don’t like to sit down, especially when they have to drive only a few stations, but some shouldn’t sit down – but not because of cleanliness, but because there are some who are then distracted by other things or deal with the phone that they are so deepened that they don’t even get it when they have to get out in time, even though in most of the trains the speakers are being listened… but then it would be usually too late!
Another problem is when you get into such situations where you have to get out very quickly, it can happen that you forget to take things or leave things lying, get out, think again briefly whether you have everything and then “does hit one of the hits” because something was left lying, which is very annoying for such a person, otherwise you will then be worried with your own carelessness that it will be…
(and again, and again… that could be written into the endless way)
… what to do for the fund office.
Thank you for the star!
Because the subway is something that has a shorter stopping distance than S-Bahn. You rarely stay in it for longer. And the Berliners have only been sitting long ago. All those who (estimated) go under 5 Hst, do not sit, no matter how full it is. Even so the passenger change doesn’t ruin the journey time.
Yes, they know why there are delays where there is no other problem.
They may not want to go far, are afraid not to come back to the door in time, which is too narrow (even with wide bodies or long legs) – or do not want to sit next to them in Corona times.
The fuller the subway, the more people stay at the doors, because all the fears are not coming out again. In addition, they always feel the first to get out in 1-2 stations.
Oh, they’re just the stressed ones who want to leave as the first.
Do something you want.
I wouldn’t sit down for a station
But if you have to squeeze in the standing area.
Lt. my assessment of pure herd drive..what one does, all the others do automatically. Even in the case of Exit: There seem to be only one door. Although some of them are present and even work. “Follow without looking around the hammock herd.. the Leithammel knows the way” would be the other name for it.
At least within the Berlin subway, many people apparently left the brain (or the rest of it) at the station entrance.
Seats are as good as ever dirty.
Who knows where the passenger sat or lives before?