Warum sehe ich große runde kreise?

Hallo, ich war vor 2 wochen beim Augenartzt und musste die Augen etwas verdrehen weil mir mit einer lampe von allen richtungen ins auge geleutet wurde und seitdem sehe ich bunte kreise die sehr hell sind, wenn ich die Augen eindrehe wird es stärker kann es sein das das vom verdrehen der Augen kommt oder muss ich mir da sorgen machen weil es wird irgendwie nicht besser?*die kreise bewegen sich auch nicht, nur wenn ich die Augen bewege und zb. Nach außen oder nach innen drehe

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1 year ago

Perhaps the light irritation during the investigation was so strong that your eyes have used up their entire nutrient reserves to compensate? And it’s lacking liquid because you didn’t drink enough?

From my own experience, I can recommend that you supplement such important building blocks for good vision at a time. There’s a lot of them.

  • First, pleaseBlue contentwhen displaying the screen: it damages the eye irreversibly (no repair possible!)
  • OtherWater(2 to 3 l) the eyes also constantly need enough nutrients via food or supplements:
  • Vitamin Ais necessary for the regeneration of Rhodopsin (Sehpurpur) and thus supports the vision in the dark.
  • Vitamin B1, B3 and B6are important for the function of the optic nerve
  • Vitamin C and Eare antioxidants and help protect the eye from damage and oxidative stress.
  • Vitamin B2occurs in the eye in a high concentration
  • Folic acid, vitamin B6 and B12build the toxic Homocystein off. Homocysteine can damage vessels and thus deteriorate blood circulation of the retina.See here(source)
  • Some of the substances are in thissmoothieincluded.
  • taurine, the aminosulfonic acid, stabilizes not only the heart but also the visual force.
  • Healing mushrooms like Agaricus Blazei ABM.

The building blocks for healthy vision must beRegularavailable! If they are lacking in food, they do not come through glasses. ECT

  • Acupressure points for today Seeing are located in the inner and outer corners of the eye, as well as in the middle of the eyebrow and in the ring under the eyes: pointing or middle fingers with gentle pressure leave a few seconds there. You immediately feel the beneficial effect.
  • I know theseEye exercises for the eye muscles for loosening and stretching more often.

Lutein is also an important ophthalmologist. Because of better dosages, I prefer to use other substances preparations such as.

Last but not least: natural vitamin C with flavonoids not to forget because it neutralizes free radicals.

With all these hints it is possible to see again well!

Good luck.

1 year ago
Reply to  Leon317uweiio

My first thought was that it could be due to certain deficiency states in the metabolism), which means that it was not possible as quickly as necessary to balance the light stimuli with the examination lamp.

Therefore, I would first add the substances mentioned (see my answer), because they may be guilty – and not the doctor!

1 year ago
Reply to  Leon317uweiio

Of course you can go to the doctor.

1 year ago
Reply to  Leon317uweiio

You can only try it yourself. First do everything you can, what I proposed.

1 year ago
Reply to  Spielwiesen

Perhaps the light irritation during the investigation was so strong that your eyes have used up their entire nutrient reserves to compensate?

No, this is not possible physiologically. The receptors recover after a few minutes, but doctors do not dazzle their patients.

And it’s lacking liquid because you didn’t drink enough?

This could actually fit indirectly: if the FS is so dried out that the cornea in the eye also becomes undulating, one actually sees circular distortions. However, you are not far from death and you could not read on the monitor and write questions here.

None of the hints fit to see bright circles.

Yeah, I know how you’re going to react. I won’t read it this time.

1 year ago
Reply to  mjutu

Defective symptoms when it comes to trace elements and microminerals are first expressed in small, then increasingly stronger malfunctions. There are no visible or measurable variables apart from subjective ones (and there is no wave! If you’d deal with it – it’s so helpful to know it, and it’s already in the early stages!

I remember the pinch of salt.

11 months ago
Reply to  Leon317uweiio

All right! Which means you need all the B vitamins UBD taurine mentioned in my answer, because they are responsible for correct nerves. Please don’t let any deficiency states exist! All good! 🙂 ☆

1 year ago

You are online diagnostics?

How do you get that idea? Because I read the comments of the FS?

In your capacity as a.Reformhaus owner or as what exactly?

As predictable. What about your strategy to evaluate me as a “school doctor”?

Defective symptoms when it comes to trace elements and microminerals are first expressed in small, then increasingly stronger malfunctions. There are no visible or measurable sizes apart from subjective […]

Microminerals. Non measurable sizes. And you judge what the FS is missing? This is irresponsible, as already mentioned. Well, the FS is asking a doctor.

1 year ago

You are online diagnostics? In your capacity as a.Reformhaus owner or as what exactly?

I assume the physiological constitution and that important food building blocks could be missing. It is normal and harms no more, as first to improve, because the need changes with the requirements.

Those who do not consider such priorities and interact with sym8tome as a doctor are (unfortunately) in the trend, but are negligent in the holistic, honest sense. WER’s hurting a minor, I’d like to have that done.

1 year ago

You can only try it yourself. First do everything you can, what I proposed.

This is a health-threatening advice to a minor who has a glass body opacity. Responsibility!

1 year ago

Do you see the circles when the eyes are closed? Do you see them with both eyes, or only with one: what happens if you keep an eye or touch it?

Would it be possible that this was already there before, but you didn’t notice it, e.g. because you didn’t turn your eyes so far?

Ask the ophthalmologist at a time, so best today. Late: Friday 15:45… This could be on the cornea, on the intraocular pressure, but also on the retina. Actually, the ophthalmologist would have recognized dangerous details right away. But because the health of the eyes is so important and disturb large circles during reading and driving, you should definitely ask the trained professional.

The tips of lay people who play on the Internet as a pseudo-medical are far too dangerous. You don’t experiment with his eyelight. Of course, home remedy and healthy diet can be helpful, but only after a person skilled in the art has clearly diagnosed and does not harm them.

Thus the eye needs vitamin A, but if you are already well supplied with it (carrots, apples, etc.), an additional gift is very harmful to the eyes. Just throwing on suspicion “Heil Pilze” would be a really bad idea!

A fading through the bright lamp cannot have happened: The ophthalmologists do not use any harmful light intensity. I had seen two circles: once it was a corneal damage, the other time a reaction to chemotherapy.

Good improvement

1 year ago
Reply to  Leon317uweiio

This is not a typical symptom and a control with the ophthalmologist is the right way.

Why were you with the ophthalmologist?

1 year ago

The detail is important. Yes, I’m asking the ophthalmologist again. This could be folds or compactions of the glass body.

If you’re not grown up, spaghal diet tips are even more critical. Don’t get confused and don’t just take any mediums recommended on the Internet by Wantgern mediziners.

1 year ago

The ophthalmologist has damaged your eyes. Go to another one that’s documented.

1 year ago
Reply to  Leon317uweiio

My first thought was that it could be due to certain deficiency states in the metabolism), which made it not as quickly as possible that triggered by the examination lamp. To compensate for light stimuli.

Therefore, I would first (or at least now in parallel) add the substances mentioned (see my answer), because they may be blamed – and not the doctor!

1 year ago
Reply to  Leon317uweiio

Yes, of course. I don’t know if it’s reversible.

1 year ago

It can also be blood circulation

I would take this particular mineral: No 3: Ferrum Phos. D12, (s. Link): 3 tabl. in the mouth, in the 20 min. – Repeat rhythm until it comes. And drink again and again: herbal tea, water.

1 year ago

You should definitely tell the ophthalmologist. If necessary, he will ask you again for an investigation, after two weeks this is no longer normal.

1 year ago
Reply to  Leon317uweiio

and then go back

You think ‘we are back‘ – or rather ‘comes back‘, what I think..

1 year ago

Are you turning the spear back? I know your mash. Well, look at how long you’re enjoying this again! I’m in the garden if you call!

1 year ago

No, I wasn’t a Waldorf student. It’s obvious you’re talking about making fun of it.

2 doctors have already told me that a maximum of 1 half day was spent in medical studies with nutrition topics.

Then two doctors told you funny crap. However, good physicians also do not hesitate to refer patients to specialized nutritionists if required.

But if biochemical processes are taught only with regard to symptom suppression […]

They won’t. Your fantasies and antipathy against doctors have little realities. You build a straw man here: You’re arguing the behavior of doctors they don’t have at all.

A holistic view builds on understanding the details. Without training and physiological foundations, it’s hard for you. Others bad talking doesn’t make your reputation bigger.

1 year ago

Were you a Waldorf student? Oh, nice, then you can dance your name!

2 doctors have already told me that a maximum of 1 half day was spent in medical studies with nutrition topics. Intensify it must be that within a specialization!

But if biochemical processes are taught only with regard to symptom suppression, then that is not enough – in the honest (common) sense!

1 year ago

What one learns about the anthroposomes, as the owner of a reform house and when studying physiology and ophthalmology.

1 year ago

Wow – you know yourself in alternative cures and nutritional medicine! :-))

1 year ago

Only doctors you don’t need to ask about nutrition.

On the one hand, this is not true, because every trained doctor also gives advice on nutrition if they are effective.

On the other hand, seeing circles does not match a nutrient deficiency. Therefore, the tip “green cabbage and nothing fried” is very nice, but does not fit the question at all. “Holy mushrooms” are also a bad idea.

1 year ago

Right. Only doctors you don’t need to ask about nutrition. ^^

Good luck!

1 year ago

Water’s okay.

Eat also green cabbage and fresh food, possible. Organic, no prefabricated meals, no fritted (due to unhealthy fats) or fast food. No sweet stuff.

1 year ago

Leon, do you drink enough?