Warum schwankt Marvel so extrem?

Wieso schwankt marvel in der Qualität so extrem?

Sie machen viel falsch und dann kommt wieder sowas wie spiderman no way home, into the spiderverse, loki serie und deadpool 3.

Liegt das an den Regisseuren oder ist das der Marvel chef? Sie zeigen ja das sie es können und dann kommt she hulk

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3 months ago

Price question, do you all rate that the same? There are just as fans of She Hulk (which, by the way, is difficult to compare with films) as there are people who, to stay with the series, do not feel usable. Taste is subjective. Some things hit the mass, others do not hit it. On the edge, Spiderman is a border case as he belongs to Marvel but basically stand Alone runs at Sony, many other titles are under the umbrella of Disney, which already brings different corporate policies.

Spiderman has always been a flagship, of course there is a lot of money in here. Randfigures like Madame Web are trying to bring in, quite well fed financially, but if it doesn’t run out again. Marvel often has several films and series every year, of course not every production can be great for everyone.

By the way, I can win the Homecoming series 0, for which I find Spiderverse well done. So are tastes. The fact that something like Avengers is often produced particularly strongly is not a miracle, because one merges many main charas and puts even harder money and time in. A Marvel movie already hurts in the cash register, but when the really fat fish floats, Marvel really has problems. This is why these titles are always designed so that as many as possible can be found in the good old working film concepts.

3 months ago

I think this is very subjective. What you see as a fluctuation of your quality, someone else may not see that.

Loki, No Way Home, Into The Spiderverse and Deadpool 3 were not necessarily my highlights of recent years.

Spiderverse has a great animation, Deadpool 3 will offer a pleasant fan service – but that’s nothing I’d like to see multiple times now.

Loki has some interesting stories. Let’s see if they’re running on one of the next seasons.

No Way Home is for me more an example of how to keep his spectators with a pure fan service film singleich at the bar.

She Hulk was quite entertaining for me, even though the critiques were partly overgrown

So this is all subjective and you also have to calculate the previous times, how many films and series Marvel Disney go out every year.

3 months ago

It is also due to the fact that not the same people are working on it, now not only director but also who writes the script, and also how far ahead is planned, how well is agreed and what characters from where come together and which storylines they take up.

And some are just not so good of the story or the actors or even like nue is that or there is something super similar

3 months ago

Marvel is a huge money machine. There is wide spread so that everyone finds something good and buys and buys

3 months ago

Quality of films is always also a matter of taste.