Warum schmeckt mein selbstgebackenes Brot immer sauer?
Ich habe schon mehrfach probiert ein dinkelbrot mit hefe zu backen. Leider schmeckt es immer sauer. Ich nehme 1kg Dinkelmehl, 1Tl Salz, einen halben hefe Würfel, 1Tl kokosblütenzucker, ca 2 El Olivenöl, Wasser nach bedarf immer schluckweise dazu. Vermutlich ca. 800ml.
Das lass ich dann alles eine Stunde gehen. Stoße den Teig noch mal an und noch mal 15 min direkt in der Form gehen lassen. Dann 45 min auf 180°C mit einem behälter Wasser im Backofen backen. Dann die Form überkippen und noch mal 20 min.
Die Konsistenz ist so wie ich es mir vorgestellt habe. Wie ein Vollkornbrot eben ist. Es schmeckt aber immer bitter und macht Sodbrennen.
Das scheint mir nicht als wäre das gewollt.
Wo liegt hier der Fehler?
I used to like to bake with SEKOWA’s bakery. The Dinkelbrote were always beautifully raised, tasted delicious with light acidity. It does not give as much acetic acid as with sourdough, thereby it tastes milder. Yeast is not needed in addition because the powder contains natural nectar yeasts. And that you should take organic whole grain flour is self-evident because it tastes better than non-bio flour.
Hello, Klada,
Have you ever tried sourdough?
Needs stop longer fermentation times, but dafor disappears
of the whole grain.
I take very little of the whole grain (20%)
for the sourdough approach.
Sourdough also has the advantage that the bread does not
More fun
opi venerable
the day of bread
Sauer makes no sense in the recipe. Except coconut blossom sugar, I don’t know. Let him go.
The rest fits in. I don’t put oil in my bread either. Oh, it’s gonna be a bit bitter.
But I can imagine that the recipe is rather fade.
I wouldn’t use the overpriced coconut blossom sugar. I use a proportion of sourdough, less yeast and extend the fermentation times at low temperature. In the cereals there are certain inhibitors which are only degraded over prolonged fermentation times,
It can also be that your dinkel flour is simply spoiled. In principle, I would not lift whole grain flour for more than a week. Can you make the flour fresh?
In that case, I took bought flour. Normally, I’ll steal it myself.
But never had bad flour.
Do you think you’re going to be fermented at room temperature? It had it at about 40°C in the oven.
When I once made a sourdough bread, I was told that I should be careful to keep it above 25°C because under 25°C acetic acid is produced.
pure yeast bread can be fermented overnight in the refrigerator.
Maybe find a recipe with a long dough guide. You don’t need sugar and you don’t need less yeast.
Oil and sweeteners have nothing to look for in my world in bread. Good olive oil always has a bitter snack, maybe that’s the reason. If it is necessary to use additives which compensate for the lack of gluten of varieties such as dinkels for stability, a certain proportion of 000 wheat is best suited (about one third).
I’d say it’s olive oil
Olive oil has a strong own taste. Better take neutral raps or sunflowers oil, even better leave it away. That doesn’t need the bread.
change to dry yeast if you can taste it so intense