Warum schmeckt das Essen von Mama immer am besten?
Ist doch so, oder? Mamas Essen schmeckt immer am besten.
Warum ist das so?
Ist doch so, oder? Mamas Essen schmeckt immer am besten.
Warum ist das so?
Oder bei Nichtbiohonig nichtbio
Hi, Question is above 🙂 Thanks in advance 🙂
Hallo, ich hätte da mal eine Frage. Mein Freund hatte denn norovirus und hat 5kilo abgenommen in der Zeit. Jetzt ist er seit dem 11 wieder raus aus dem Krankenhaus und hat leichte Schwierigkeiten zuzunehmen obwohl er keine Schwierigkeiten beim Essen hat. Wenn er trinkt wiegt er 2kilo mehr aber geht er dann auf die…
Hello, since about a few days before my period started until now (day 3 of my period), I've been having a huge craving for sweet things, especially chocolate. I've never had such a strong craving as I do right now, and I definitely think I'm eating too much 😅 but I just can't stop.
Ich gebe so mit allem 400-600€ aus im Monat und das ist der größte Posten bei mir. Ich bin Mitte 20 und noch Student.
because you are accustomed to it, if it were possible, I would like to eat Mama’s cattle roulards again, they were unsatisfied and their peas soup
This also has a bite to do with habit, actually not always with the quality of Mama’s kitchen. Sometimes, of course.
maybe because you didn’t have to do it yourself, just sit down at the covered table.
But some things my mother cooked and I had to eat as a child, I have never eaten as an adult, e.g. acid lungs, or acid kidneys, or LG:-)
Hi :
Well, it’s not so… sure, my mom can cook really well, but my dad really can’t surpass anyone!
Best regards, Kpopfan1234 🙂
Great if the dad can cook well.
It’s not like that.
The pizza is still best with the Italian
So first I don’t know your mom and I can’t judge her eating.
And I fully agree with the statement. At least as far as my mother is concerned.. It can’t cook. Every food she doesn’t taste good, with us either my father or my sister and I cook together.
Or Grandma. It is connected with beautiful memories
I don’t know
Mama’s kitchen was influenced by the Czech and Austrian cuisine. Now I’m trying to recook it because it’s childhood memories, super tastes and for me, e.g. a table top with hosting, the highest is.
It’s not like that.
However, child has become accustomed to eating at home, so among other things this is considered the “best”.
Hello because you have grown up with eating, everyone cooks something different