Warum schmecke Bio Sachen echt besser?
Also ich halte nichts von Bio Kosmetik das man nach Lavendel riecht oder Kräuterzahnpasta oder Bio Gummibärchen die realitätsfern schmecken aber das Obst schmeckt viel geschmacksvoller und ich habe keine Ahnung, ob das Obst welches man überall bekommt wirklich mit irgendetwas injiziert ist (gespritzt) aber keine Bio Mandarinen schmecken wirklich fast nach gar nichts. Und die Äpfel sind solala. Da frage ich mich, falls “Bio Obst” wirklich besser ist, muss es doch trotzdem nicht nötigerweise teurer sein oder einen “Bio”-Aufkleber haben. Verstehe nicht, wie man Früchte so sehr verändern könnte, das die im Supermarkt beinahe nach nichts schmecken. Vielleicht kann das jemand anders beurteilen?
Biological products are produced without fertilizers, they often grow slower and the plants are not as yielding as possibly highly grown hybrids used in conventional agriculture.
Often, old varieties are also cultivated, which are also not so yielding, but often have more aroma.
In biological agriculture, no weed and/or insect destroying agent is also used, which is of course noticeable in the price.
Very interesting. I believe by the fertilizer the taste is different
How fruit ultimately tastes depends, in my knowledge, on the weather conditions alone. Whether there was frost again, where there were already flowers. How much water, how much sun.
In our current weather caves you can hardly expect to harvest really juicy, aromatic, sweet fruit.
Bio doesn’t mean anything other than that “Gifte” was injected.
We live here in Germany, from which country (to stay with your example) mandarins come from?
Go to the farmer and buy fruit there. Then you’ll see how good fruit can taste.
it also depends on whether the farmer is organic or is traditionally cultivated.