Warum scheinen in Deutschland so viele Geschäfte sonntags geschlossen zu sein?
Warum scheinen in Deutschland so viele Geschäfte sonntags geschlossen zu sein? Ist das etwas, das die meisten Deutschen gut finden, oder gibt es viele, die sich mehr Flexibilität wünschen?
They don’t just seem closed, they’re closed. And it must be due to the law. There are exceptions at airports, railway stations and coastal towns.
Even sellers want to have free. And yes, you could say that at SChwimmbadn restaurants amusement parks and co, but is something else. Because you’re ever going to go on in leisure, so sales are made.
Hard to believe, but when which shops have opened is regulated by law.
I remember times when it was at 6.30 a.m. and Saturday at 13.00 a.m. For a working single, shopping was hardly to be done – so I often invited myself to my parents:)
As it is now, I find it good. I don’t need Sunday to buy. And if I go to the tanks on Sundays, it’s just for fuelling.
can work when selling open Sunday is sometimes see what you say
This corresponds to the legal regulation. Sunday serves recreation and is usually free of work.
Most of them want to have free Sunday and weekend. However, there are enough industries in which work is carried out on Sundays or even at night, with corresponding surcharges. Go ahead!
Those who have to work on Sundays, where the predominant part of society is free, often experience this rather than stress in the longer term.
I think that’s good, yeah.
I find the day of rest important, which allows for a different daily routine for most people and families. Weekend!
I think it’s good that Sundays have closed the shops. All those who had no time for shopping on the remaining 6 days are still open to various shops at large stations and gas stations.
Named Sunday rest, which guarantees a free day a week.
Because workers want free time.
They do not only seem closed, they are also in most countries.
The only ones who want more flexibility are the citizens’ money
I don’t have time under the week
Ne, O-Ton: “because Sunday is too boring”
Or so, yes
because some people like to have some weeks.
flexible opening times require, above all, those who have enough time to cover up during normal business hours, even if these were again limited to periods of 8 – 19. which is enough.
It’s not worth it. People don’t buy anymore as usual.
Sundays and holidays are legal rest days. There can’t really be a business
This is due to Sunday rest.
Then all the rats can turn one down and raise the legs.
On the seventh day you shall rest
Germany is still a Christian country…